Mental/Vision Hack To Put More Rounds On Target

  Take a look at the picture below. It’s a dot, surrounded by a “cloud of doubt.” Now, take a deep breath or two, and focus deeply on the dot until the cloud disappears. Crazy, isn’t it? If you have trouble at first, try moving closer (elbow’s length from your screen) or further (hand’s length). …

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Hidden Reality Of Law Enforcement Accuracy after the San Bernardino shootings

  We’re 1 year out from the San Bernardino shootings and I want to revisit some of the valuable lessons that came out of the event. There are some opportunities to look at what happened and either make changes to your training or redouble your training in expectation that similar attacks will happen again in…

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Dry Fire Training Cards 21 Day Challenge Questions

Have a question? Click >Here< to ask it. We will get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.

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Dry Fire Training Cards 21 Day Challenge Questions week 3

  Have a question? Ask it below and Ox will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Dry Fire Training Cards 21 Day Challenge Course Comments

  IF you are on this page it means that you have completed the 21 Day Challenge. I am so excited that you have invested in these 21 days and in your firearms proficiency. If you have seen any improvement in your performance or accuracy please let us know by commenting below! Thanks again for…

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Training Kindergarten Teachers To Use Violence

Violence. We’ve heard a lot about violence lately… “Gun Violence” “Violent Crime” “Violent Altercation” “Violent Video Games” “Violent Sports” “Violence on TV” Etc. In fact, the message is so consistent and prevalent that I could understand if you might even catch yourself thinking that violence is bad from time to time. But is violence bad?…

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Slide Stop Vs. Racking The Slide

  WOW! Sorry if I made you mad. Let me apologize/explain… Yesterday, I sent out a link to a video showing the difference between using the slide stop and racking the slide after a reload. You can see the video that caused the stir by clicking >HERE< Between comments, emails, and feedback on Facebook, it’s…

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Avoid, Deter, Defend: Bonus

Avoid Deter Defend Bonus Module: These bonuses are designed to be supplemental trainings to the Avoid Deter Defend Course. Please complete the main training modules before starting the bonus trainings. Dirt Dive Training Tips Never Unarmed Avoid, Deter, Defend: Home Page

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After Action From Concealed Carry Masters Course Live

We held the first Concealed Carry Masters LIVE Course earlier this month and it was a tremendous success. It sold out a couple of weeks before and we received several requests from people who want to attend the next one. Today, I want to share some of the big takeaways from the weekend, as well…

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5 Myths About “Gun Free” Zones

In light of recent events, I wanted to re-share an article that I wrote awhile back about the myth of gun free zones… There’s been a lot of talk recently about “Gun Free” zones and, frankly, a lot of it has been useless blather from people who know nothing about guns and reveal more and…

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