Category Archives: Tactical Vision Training

Why ‘eye dominance’ is critical for pistol success

Shooters oftentimes have early success or frustration with shooting because of vision issues, like eye dominance. Eye dominance issues have a big impact on shooting performance and enjoyment, but the “normal” eye dominance test you see in almost every online video and in-person class gives the wrong answer 25% or more of the time. For…

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Fun Dry Fire Drills With PopUp Targets

The more variety and fun we can add to our dry fire, the quicker we’ll learn and the more often you’ll train. The more we can add visual decision making to our training, the more it will transfer over to the real world. PopUp Targets are exactly the solution you’ve been looking for to make…

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Cool Quick Vision Drill for Irons and Red Dots

I’ve got a couple of fun drills for you today… They’re based on the idea that if you can hold a steady gaze, you’ll be much more accurate and precise with your shooting…ESPECIALLY if you shift your gaze to where it needs to be early. Two examples of this: If you know where movement is…

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Revealing video on vision training….

You really need to check this out. Visual confusion when shooting with both eyes open is one of the more common issues that I run into with shooters. It’s complicated by the fact that most shooters have a misunderstanding about vision, eye dominance, and how the eyes work together for shooting…particularly shooting a pistol in…

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Eliminating Tunnel Vision Under Stress

There’s a belief that in a high stress situation, you’ll have tunnel vision and won’t be able to see your front sight or only be able to see your threat. And if that’s how you train, you’re probably right. That’s what happens to most people under stress. But it’s a myth to think that you can’t do anything…

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Visual Patience for faster hits—how to take your time and be quick about it…

Talk about a contradiction in terms! How can you be patient in a hurry? And what is visual patience? Visual patience is simply waiting until you can see to take action. If you’re doing sighted shooting, it means waiting until you can see your sights to press the trigger…sometimes clearly, sometimes not. It means waiting…

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Beyond 20/20 Vision At Any Age

Roughly 80% of the sensory input that the brain gets comes from the eyes. Vision is key to keep your balance when standing, and it’s the primary sense that you use to detect threats, identify threats, avoid attacks, target strikes (with a firearm or empty handed), and more. When most people think about vision, they…

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Do THIS drill today (especially) if you wear glasses or sunglasses

Did you know that if you don’t move your eyes enough, it can make you slower and weaker, see worse, and experience more pain? It’s crazy, but true. It’s something that happens a lot when people wear glasses, sunglasses, and even shooting glasses.  It also happens when we spend too much time looking at screens…

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3 Vital Skills For Carbine, Hunting, & Precision Rifle

Missing what you’re shooting at sucks.  It’s embarrassing.  But it’s amazingly common for shooters to completely miss elk, deer, and paper targets with rifle inside of 100 yards…even with optics and scopes. Whether you’re a novice or an expert, I’ve got 3 simple, easy drills that you can do to dramatically increase your speed and…

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Front Sight Focus or Point Shooting–Which Is Better?

This is a can of worms that divides the shooting world almost as much as the 9mm vs. .45 debate. No matter which side of the debate you’re on, you’ve probably got some valid points… And some that aren’t so valid. So, today, we’re going to dig into which of these is the best…for self-defense,…

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