Category Archives: Survival & Preparedness

How to actually achieve your goals and resolutions

Most people take the time around Christmas and New Year’s Day to do some self-evaluation and decide what new goals, accomplishments, or habits to develop for the next year. The vast majority of those goals are only acted on for a few days, and then they’re forgotten until the following year. Nobody WANTS to set…

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Surviving Extreme Heat & Power Outages

We’re to the part of the summer when the heat seems to be one of the big news stories. Conveniently, everyone seems to forget that it gets hot EVERY summer, so it makes good news. Heat is not new.  Heat is not unique to the US. Along with heat comes power outages, primarily from increased…

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Surviving Extreme Cold

The extreme winter weather this week made me decide to share another cold water video and give you some quick tricks for cold weather survival. I’m going to get right into it and try to skip the silly fluff that news anchors are putting out. Surviving cold weather emergencies is about maintaining temperature.  You do…

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What Does It Take To Be A Survivor?

  Welcome to this week’s newsletter, brought to you by former Force Recon Marine, Chris Graham’s 30-10 At-Home Pistol Training Program–Guaranteed to put you in the top 10% of all shooters in the next 30 days.  Learn more now by going >HERE< Today’s post opens a discussion into the naysayers that Preppers are often confronted…

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4 Hacks To Improve Your Self-Defense Mindset

  Ox here… The response to Tuesday’s article on the Coyote vs. Moose was great. Several of you signed up for training, commented on the article, and emailed in. One of the comments reminded me of 4 lessons that I’ve learned over the years training with Tim and Chris. The commenter said, “piss on the…

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3 Firearms Training Myths (and Quick Fixes)

  Record numbers of new shooters combined with a HUGE number of firearms instructors with combat experience have created an explosion in firearms training. In almost all cases, the schools are delivering great instruction. But most students leaving these classes are buying into one, two, or three of the following gun training myths…even though the…

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Interview between Andy Curtiss (3rd Special Forces Group) and Chris Graham (Force Recon)

  Chris Graham sent over a video today of an interview that Andy Curtiss did with him. If you don’t know, Andy Curtiss served in the US Army 3rd Special Forces Group, is a professional MMA fighter, and runs a self-defense school in Dallas that you can find out more about by going to:…

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Inducing and Controlling Stress in Firearms Training

  The topic of state based training has been hot in pop-gun training culture over the last few years.  The idea is that if you train in the same state (extremely afraid, flight or fright, etc.) that you’ll perform the same way in a lethal force encounter.  In other words, “train the way you fight…

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200 yard shot with a Glock 17? (First try!)

  Today, I’ve got a fun video for you to watch of former Force Recon Marine, Chris Graham, having a little friendly competition and shooting a steel gong at 200 yards, with a Glock 17, on his first shot. Another guy throws lead for the first 1:20, and then Chris nails it with his first…

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