Category Archives: Advanced Pistol Drills & Performance Neurology

French gov Watchdog Group Shares Shooting Secret?

Yesterday, a French government watchdog agency released a 400 page document that could have a big impact on shooters everywhere. I have a quick, 2 minute video demonstrating what they’re talking about…but it can change your reaction times by up to 20% and make a huge difference on how quickly you learn skills. Now, if…

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You’re probably gripping too hard (Here’s how to tell)

There’s a line of thinking in shooting, combatives, and sports that if you do more of the same thing with greater frequency and intensity, you’ll get better results. But what if there’s a smarter way to train? Grip intensity on a pistol is a great example of this. On one hand, we know that the…

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“You won’t have time for “X” In A Gunfight!” (What’s the “X?”)

I get well meaning comments occasionally saying that you shouldn’t practice a proper stance because you won’t have time to get one in a gunfight. I get different flavors of the same question all of the time… “It’s silly to practice with your sights because you won’t have time to use them in a gunfight.”…

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Do THIS drill today (especially) if you wear glasses or sunglasses

Did you know that if you don’t move your eyes enough, it can make you slower and weaker, see worse, and experience more pain? It’s crazy, but true. It’s something that happens a lot when people wear glasses, sunglasses, and even shooting glasses.  It also happens when we spend too much time looking at screens…

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How changing the color of my lenses slashed my reaction time by 20%

A few years ago, I noticed that I started getting angry at night before going to bed. It would happen when I laid on my back in bed to read, but not when I propped myself up and laid on my stomach. I finally figured out that it was the LED lights that we’d installed…

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Try this “Blackout Wobble” drill

Here’s a fun and powerful drill that you’re going to want to try tonight. It’s based on our core philosophy that the easiest way to shoot better is to break the process down into bite-size steps, refine each of those steps, and then build the technique back up so it’s quicker and more accurate with…

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How fast should you dry fire so you don’t outrun the gun in live fire?

People say that you MUST have recoil for firearms training to be effective. All of my subscribers, students, and clients know that recoil doesn’t matter for first shot speed and accuracy, but what about multi-shot speed and accuracy? Well, at some speed, you absolutely must do live fire to keep shooting fast, tight groups. For…

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If It’s Cold Where You Are, Do THESE Drills Today

In most places, when it’s cold outside, everything seems to slow down. You’ve got to take time to bundle up and warm up your vehicle. You might have to drive slower. A lot of our time gets eaten up with snow removal and tending the fire (we heat with wood). Everything takes longer. And training…

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Just “knowing” how to shoot won’t cut it for self defense…here’s why

I used to love watching GI Joe cartoons. If you don’t remember or don’t know, they’d have little public service announcements like, “if some sketchy dude pulls up next to you in a van with the windows blacked out and asks if you want candy…say no!” And then they’d say, “Now you know…and knowing is…

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Practicing one hole groups is useless for self defense…without this.

I talk a lot about how important it is to be able to shoot 1 hole groups at close distances with your carry gun. And I get a lot of flack for it. “That’s useless for self defense…you need to spread out your shots” “Anyone can do that…if they can’t, they shouldn’t own a gun”…

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