Category Archives: Advanced Pistol Drills & Performance Neurology

The Myth Of Pointing Accuracy

There is a myth in shooting that people have been “pointing since they were babies” so they can point a gun and hit what they want to hit. The two statements “people have been pointing since babies” and “people can point shoot accurately” are both true, but they have no relation to each other. Pointing…

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Is “Missing In Practice” the key to “Hitting In Combat?”

  What if missing more in practice could help you hit more in combat or self-defense? It can…but only if you do it right. First off, we’ve got to define what a “hit” and “miss” is… If your standard is “hitting the paper” then all of these holes would be “hits.” None would be misses.…

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How To Fix Flinch Fast

Flinch is one of the more frustrating problems that shooters face…both because of how it affects accuracy and because it can come back over-and-over through the years. Flinch normally creates a low pie shaped group, although it’s common for people to be dealing with multiple issues at the same time and to see groups that…

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Smoother, Quicker Reloads with Colors & Shapes

What in the heck are these colors and shapes doing on my mags and in my magwells? They’re a hack to help you be smoother, more consistent, and quicker with your reloads. I’ll tell you all about them in the video here: Pretty cool, huh? 🙂 In summary… The colored marks in the magwell and…

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“Falling With Style” The Power Of Kickstands and Cross-Steps

When we’re planning for bad self-defense scenarios, most of what we practice is based on the attacker and situation… “It would be really bad if I faced multiple attackers.” “It would be really bad if there wasn’t enough light.” “It would be really bad if my shooting hand was injured.” “It would be really bad…

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Visual Patience for faster hits—how to take your time and be quick about it…

Talk about a contradiction in terms! How can you be patient in a hurry? And what is visual patience? Visual patience is simply waiting until you can see to take action. If you’re doing sighted shooting, it means waiting until you can see your sights to press the trigger…sometimes clearly, sometimes not. It means waiting…

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3 Drills For Turning “fragile” Range Technique Into RESILIENT Self-Defense Technique

One of the widespread myths of self-defense shooting is that you need to have the right stance. It’s not a myth for bullseye, precision rifle, big bore, or long range pistol… And it’s not a myth for newer or less experienced shooters… But it is just a distraction for self-defense shooting. How can that be?…

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Four Myths of “Front Sight Focus”

There are a ton of myths floating around about using a front sight focus on a self-defense pistol…myths like: You MUST always use a front sight focus. You definitely won’t be able to see your front sight in a high stress situation so you shouldn’t waste your time practicing with your front sight. Front sight…

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What’s The best place to conceal with the quickest draw time?

I got a great question from Douglas after he signed up for our Praxis counter-ambush and counter-assault training… “What’s the best place, with the shortest draw time to conceal my pistol?” It’s a great question, but it’s a little more complicated than it may seem. As an example, the best place I’ve found to carry…

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Training Slow & Smooth or Go Fast, Don’t Suck???

There’s a quote attributed to Wyatt Earp that basically says, “Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.”  Actually, what he said was “Make haste, slowly.” There is SOOOOOOO much misinformation on the topic of whether to train fast or slow. To begin with, it’s not a binary, white/black, train slow/train fast issue–it’s a progression, similar to…

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