Category Archives: Brain Based Pistol Training
The BEST Caliber For Defensive Pistols
If your hackles went up and you assumed a war footing when you read the title of this article, you’re not alone. 🙂 The debate between projectile sizes has been raging since Cain was deciding on whether to use a small rock or a big rock to kill Abel (if, in fact, he used…
How to shoot so you can’t miss…
Welcome to today’s newsletter, sponsored by Dry Fire Training Cards and the 21 day Alpha Shooter DVD course…guaranteed to help you shoot 2x faster and 2x more accurately in the next 21 days or your money back. Click >HERE< to learn more. Many police departments have a standard for their officers of needing do…
5 Concealed Carry Pistol Laser Sight Myths
I want to start by saying that I LOVE laser sights. I own several of them and use them on carbines, .22s and airsoft rifles. I bought my first Crimson Trace laser for a Kimber 1911 18 or so years ago. I’ve got red, green, and IR lasers from Crimson Trace, Lasermax, Insight, and more. …
Elite Special Forces Hand To Hand Combat Techniques
*Make sure to read to the end to see how you can help us train and arm teachers to protect our children in schools* This video hits my sophomoric funny bone. It should go without saying, but real strikes to the groin are no joke and groin injuries can be serious, life altering events.…
Slow In Practice = Fast In Combat
Sometimes the most effective way to shoot faster and more accurately is to is to take one step back, slow down, and change your approach. Personally, I don’t like slowing down. It’s not in my nature. I want to shoot faster without compromising accuracy by simply moving faster. Put another way, I want the results,…
Carrying Full Size vs. Compact vs. Sub-Compact
Awhile back, we talked about 2 incidents in NYC where it took NYPD 84 rounds to stop an attacker. FBI statistics say that it takes an AVERAGE of between 2.4 and 2.9 rounds to stop an attacker, depending on caliber, but that’s 2.4-2.9 HITS. You might not always make good hits in a dynamic…
5 high performance shooting hacks
The blunt force way to achieve excellence at any skill is repetition. As you repeat a skill—correctly–over and over, you progress through different levels of mastery: Unconscious Incompetence—where you don’t know what you don’t know. Conscious Incompetence—where you know how little you know and seek wisdom. Conscious Competence—where you know how to perform, but…
2 Free Dry Fire Drills For The New Year
It has been a crazy last couple of years in the firearms industry… It’s great that more people have guns. And it’s great that more people have concealed carry permits. But in most cases, those classes mainly cover when and where you can legally carry and when you can legally shoot. There may be some…
Chemical Hack to Shoot Better Faster
People are busier today than they ever have been, and shooters are no exception. We’ve got a billion dollar firearms training industry that promises to help shooters get better, faster than they could on their own. But what if I told you that there is a simple way to accelerate the learning process? To…
Recoil Management For Fast Double Taps
One of the goals that many shooters aspire to is being able to put fast, accurate double-taps on target. Definitions vary, but for most people, that’s getting one sight picture and putting 2 rounds on or incredibly near your point of aim in rapid succession (.1-.2 seconds between shots) without getting a second clear, crisp…
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