Trigger Control Dry Fire Drill Video To Improve Trigger Finger Isolation

I had an article awhile back on the blog where I talked about how to improve your trigger control by isolating the movement of your trigger finger.

Some things are easier to describe with video than in writing, and, quite frankly, I understand that it was hard for people to believe that it’s possible to hold a 1″ group at 15 feet when you’re pressing the trigger 250 times per minute…so I shot a quick, informal video in my living room demonstrating it.

If you like the drill, please support what we’re doing by “liking” and “sharing” on social media or by email.

So, again, I'm going to challenge you to try the drill.  Record what speed you're at right now, do the drill for a minute or two each day this week and see how quickly your speed and trigger finger isolation improves in the next 7 days.

If you want to do it using Dry Fire Cord, I suggest getting a set of 9, 40, and .45 Dry Fire Cords with Draw Stroke Mastery >HERE<

This is what it looks like when you do the drill with dry fire cord:

You can get Dry Fire Cord on their own >HERE<

It's not quite as exciting to watch on video, but it's better to know where you hit because you read your sights than having to shift focus back and forth to your target between shots.

This is another example of just how much of the shooting process is in your brain and why the right dry fire can give most shooters bigger jumps in performance in less time and for less money than traditional live fire range training...and even better than old-school dry fire training.

The fact is, we're able to get radically quicker, cheaper, and better results because we use radically different training methods.

I don't just mean that we use dry fire drills...with our training, you'll learn more effective ways to practice so that you can make bigger gains in performance in less time than you thought possible.

They're smarter, more advanced ways of practicing to take advantage of every limited minute of training time you've got.

And so, when you do go to the range, it's a LOT more fun.

It's smarter training systems for smarter shooters and instructors.

And you can get started now by clicking >HERE<

Questions?  Comments?  Fire away by commenting below:


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  • robert goldman

    Reply Reply August 19, 2022

    Great video, have the cards and found could practice finger isolation even w/o gun (in doctors office, etc.) by gripping left wrist and “triggering”. Could feel other three or wrist moving at first.


  • Byron Crutcher

    Reply Reply April 11, 2022

    What shot timer app are you using?

    • Ox

      Reply Reply April 11, 2022

      I could be wrong, but I think you’re referring to the metronome app. It’s not a shot timer. The one I use is called MetroTimer.

  • John Gray

    Reply Reply August 7, 2020

    It seems you will get a similar response even if aren’t able to make your trigger reset by doing the same drills using either a red dot sight and keeping the dot on the target or using a bore sighter and again keeping the dot on the target. I realize it’s different feeling the trigger and the reset but I think it might still produce some of the same beneficial results with mapping out in the nueral pathways and isolating the trigger finger. What do you think? I would like to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks, this is great training and valuable ideas. 😊👍

    • Ox

      Reply Reply August 11, 2020

      Great questions, John. We include a bore sighter with the Draw Stroke Mastery course because of how valuable of a tool it is, but Dry Fire Cord has a few major advantages…

      1. The biggest benefit is the increased safety that you get with the the chamber block on the Dry Fire Cord.
      2. The visible confirmation that you get from the cord coming out of the muzzle and ejection port make it much, much safer.
      3. This drill, in particular, is much more effective with Dry Fire Cord than trying it on a dead trigger.

      All of that being said, if you have removed all live ammo from your training area and have a safe backstop, try the drill with and without and let me know which works best for you.

  • Harry "Hershy" Orenstein

    Reply Reply February 12, 2018

    What is the DRY FIRE CORD you put in the Glock?
    How does it work?
    Who sells/makes it?
    Will it work with my SIG P226?

    • Ox

      Reply Reply February 13, 2018

      Thanks, Harry…I’ll put you in the list with my mom, my sons, and one of my 2 dogs who think I’m brilliant 🙂

      You can get Dry Fire Cord as part of a few of our packages, including

      Dry Fire Cord does 3 things…most importantly, it blocks the chamber in a 9mm, but it also sticks out the muzzle and the extraction port so that you have a visual indicator that the chamber is blocked. In addition, it holds the slide far enough out of battery that the trigger articulates WITHOUT additional wear.

      I don’t know if it works on a P226, but it works on a 220 as a visual chamber-empty indicator and lets you do high rep dry fire in single action mode instead of double action after the first press.

  • Ken

    Reply Reply February 12, 2018

    How do you do the drill with out a laser?

  • Richard E Franklin

    Reply Reply February 12, 2018

    Where can I get the reflectors?

    • Ox

      Reply Reply February 12, 2018

      Hey Richard, great question. I can’t get you links right now, but you can get them at Ace, Home Depot, Lowes, or Amazon that I know of. I’m a big fan of the assorted color packs, but darker ones (blue) don’t really work that well.

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