Perfect stance vs. odd angles…which is faster?

There’s a lot of talk on what the best “combat” shooting stance is. In my mind, that’s the wrong question. If the situation gives you time to get a perfect stance, then take advantage of it.  It’ll probably make you more accurate. But what if you don’t have time to get a perfect stance… and…

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Beans, Bullets, or Bullion…Which To Buy Next?

This article is sponsored by a friend of mine, Tom Cloud from Cloud Hard Assets.  We’ve known each other and done business together for the last decade.  I say it’s sponsored by Tom because Tom gives a discount to people I refer to him and sends me some money if people buy because of my…

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Your 3 pronged attack plan for COVID-19 and FLU-A

This is an important message that you’re going to want to read right away. At the end, I’m going to tell you how you can get instant access our 2 best selling preparedness books, the Survive In Place Urban Survival Guide and Fastest Way To Prepare, for FREE. Right now, we’re right in the middle…

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How “Twister” and a 99c app can help you “overtrain” beyond common pistol standards

Most training today is what is known as “training to a standard.” It may be passing a test, shooting a certain size & speed group, or checking a box on the amount of time & reps done. The problem is, that type of training doesn’t carry over to the real world. Going to the range,…

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New Popup Targets!

As you can probably tell, we’re on a continual quest to make gun training more fun and more effective. Because the more fun you have doing it, the more often you’ll train AND the quicker you’ll learn. Today, I want to introduce you to our newest targets…Popup Targets 🙂 As you’ll see, I had some…

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Beyond 20/20 Vision At Any Age

Roughly 80% of the sensory input that the brain gets comes from the eyes. Vision is key to keep your balance when standing, and it’s the primary sense that you use to detect threats, identify threats, avoid attacks, target strikes (with a firearm or empty handed), and more. When most people think about vision, they…

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Shooting On The Move at 60+ Yards With A Subcompact!?!

There’s always a lot of talk about whether or not it’s possible to make distance shots with guns that are small enough for most people to carry on a regular basis…especially with the size of some of the new big-box stores and churches. Ironically, one of the last trainings I ran for my church’s security…

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Christmas 2019 — My Favorite Things

For a few years, Glenn Beck used to have a Christmas episode called “My Favorite Things” where he told his audience about what he was giving his friends and loved ones for Christmas. I’m fortunate to have half a dozen of my products recommended on his radio and TV shows…not as ads, but as gift…

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Why snap caps suck for dry fire practice…

For decades, snap caps were the best option for doing dry fire practice. Because they were the only option. But, they had some serious shortcomings… The more they look like live rounds, the easier it is to mistakenly introduce a live round…with potentially tragic results.  It might be that a live round accidentally got mixed in…

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Why you need to keep your finger off the trigger…

I’m part of a few instructor groups online and a question was recently posed about an agency who’s policy is to scan for threats with the trigger finger on the trigger and the slack taken up. The response was pretty much universal…if your sights are on your intended target, the finger goes on the trigger. …

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