Navy SEAL Emergency Reload Techniques Compared

Today, I want to share a quick clip from retired Navy SEAL, Larry Yatch’s “Concealed Carry Masters Course” as well as some updates.  In it, they show the only side-by-side comparison of releasing the slide with the slide stop vs. racking the slide that I’ve seen.

(demonstrated by Beau Doboszynski)
Like it? Please click the “thumb’s up” button in the upper right corner of the video above.

(It’s worth it to note that this is about a minute and a half of the 9+ hour Concealed Carry Masters DVD Course. (75% off while supplies last) With 4.5 hours of instruction and another 4.5 hours of dry fire follow along drills and live fire demonstrations based on the training curriculum that they delivered 140 times per month for over 3 years.)

There are a lot of people who argue that the rack, pinch, or powerstroke are more reliable than the slide stop method, and that’s true with some finicky guns and for some tiny single stack subcompacts, but not for the vast majority of guns that run reliably enough for concealed carry, home defense, or duty.

The fact is that guns are manufactured to go into battery from the slide stop position, and when you use the slide stop, you are using the tool in the manner that it was intended to be used.

What about “fine motor skills” degrading under stress?  Another big argument is that racking the slide is a gross motor skill, using the slide stop is a fine motor skill, and you won’t be able to do it under extreme stress. This argument comes from a misunderstanding of fine vs. gross vs. complex motor skills.

Here’s what I mean…releasing the slide stop with your LEFT thumb is no more of a fine motor skill than pressing the trigger with your finger.  (We do NOT recommend releasing the slide stop by swiping down with your right thumb. There are some exceptions, but for MOST shooters with MOST pistols, that causes all sorts of issues, including an increased likely-hood that you release the slide forward before the mag is fully seated.)

Done correctly (with the left thumb…or more specifically, by pushing your left HAND through the slide stop at an angle, using the thumb as the point of impact), the technique works with gloves, blood, water, cold, oil, and even pink unicorn dust. (OK…it might not work with pink unicorn dust, but it works with everything else.)

For shooters who take their basic pistol or concealed carry class and then only practice a few times a year, the over-the-top rack is probably the best solution.

But without adequate practice, base level shooters will probably have a problem with disengaging any retention or safties, isolating the trigger finger, keeping the sights on target while pressing straight back, and manipulating the magazine release button/lever before they ever have to worry about which slide release technique to use.

The over-the-top rack is also the only option for people shooting guns with lightened springs (for speed), steep feed ramps, squared off bullets, or similar scenarios where the extra 1/2″ of spring compression makes the difference between the gun going into battery and having a malfunction–but, again, you don’t want to use any of these for self-defense.

For anyone who thinks they might need to defend themselves with a pistol, and who is running a duty/combat worthy pistol, it’s worth it to practice and know both techniques. The extra 2-3 rounds on target could make a big difference in how things play out.

In the process of more than 1 million people watching this video here, on Facebook, and on YouTube, we’ve gotten a few other questions that I think you’ll appreciate.

First, it’s not *just* a SEAL technique and it’s not new. Larry is a SEAL and using that fact helps us break through some barriers to get people to listen and hopefully help more shooters shoot better, but not all SEALs use it.  One DEVGRU friend of mine in particular insists that it’s worthless, while others swear by it.  It’s been taught by various military schools since the early days of the Vietnam War.  A tunnel rat buddy of mine who’s first helicopter insertion was in the la Drang valley (We Were Soldiers) used it throughout the war whenever he had a 1911, although he’s the ONLY Vietnam era Army guy I know who was taught the technique. The rest are Marines.

On the topic of what the Marines teach, I hear the following almost equally, and with with the intensity that you’d expect from Marines:

“We were taught never to use the slide stop in the Marines and there’s no reason to change now.”
“We were taught to use the slide stop in the Marines and how I’ve always done it.”

Not really sure what to say about that…except that Force Recon guys and Raiders who I know use the slide stop method.

The last comment/complaint that we’ll address is that “Racking the slide works on every gun. The slide release is different on a lot of guns and doesn’t even exist on others. I’d rather have 1 technique that works on every gun.”

Ah, yes…the magical “1 technique” that works on every gun. I understand the desire. And that argument even makes a little sense when you’re working with base level shooters where you’re more concerned about them not hurting themselves or anyone around them rather than helping them become the best shooter possible.

But the “1 technique” that works on every gun is as much of a fairy tale as pink unicorn farts.  Universal manipulation techniques don’t exist on pistols (different mag releases) and don’t exist on rifles (AK vs. AR).

But when you (or a student) wants to master your craft, I believe a better approach is to minimize the number of types of guns that you shoot and focus on the specific techniques that will work best for the pistol that you shoot the most. Use the best techniques for the gun that you want to master and use the general techniques for everything else.

Remember, all of this came from less than 2 minutes of the 9+ hour Concealed Carry Masters DVD Course. With 4.5 hours of instruction and another 4.5 hours of dry fire follow along drills and live fire demonstrations.

This is a perfect training tool for yourself or for the shooter in your life…especially if he’s a fan of the SEALs. With ranges full, ammo expensive, and range time as expensive as it is, this is the perfect answer for how to quickly, easily, and affordably go through Special Ops pistol training in the comfort of your own home. To learn more now, go to:

Questions? Comments? Fire off by commenting below.

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  • El Mac

    Reply Reply November 28, 2020

    There is nothing “special ops” about using a slide lock lever to run the slide forward on a reload.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply December 2, 2020

      Cool…what’s your point?

  • Cristi Erickson

    Reply Reply January 1, 2020

    I prefer the slide lock method not just because of speed, but because racking is difficult for me. I have arthritis in my hands, and racking is becoming more and more difficult (and painful). In light of this problem, Ox, I would love some suggestions on how to make the racking easier for someone who has lost a lot of the ability to grip well, especially on “thin” or “small” items (smaller than 2″).

    • Ox

      Reply Reply January 2, 2020

      Cristi, that’s a great question. A lot of people who have arthritis are able to shoot more comfortably after using a near-infrared light: Sometimes, they find a form of pulsed electrical stimulation that helps: Other times, they are able to shoot better and more comfortably after limiting lectins, grains, simple carbs, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (vegetable oils) I’d encourage you to talk with your medical professional about these and see if it’s worth trying any of them.

      • Willie Lowery

        Reply Reply February 4, 2023

        My wife has issues with grip strength and racking a slide. We found the S&W Shield EZ 380 or 9mm works great for her.

    • Boomer

      Reply Reply November 28, 2020

      It seems that I have a “difference of opinion with myself,” lol depending upon what I’m shooting and, also, have the privilege of being left-handed and right-eyed. Joy.
      I’m more than reasonably ambidextrous, as often happens with lefties (and it’s not because we have to use our rights more, it’s a consolation gift from God for the hassle). I can chip and put both ways, bat both ways and shoot both ways. But… Which ever hand i shoot with requires a compromise. Left handed, I have to do the head tilt. Right handed, I forfeit a bit of strength. Usually, the tie goes to the runner, as most handguns I use have right handed controls and, of course, ejection.
      I had been brought up that the slide-lock is just that. A stopper, not a letter-goer. The reasons for this being that releasing with the stop wears parts prematurely (I know, they’re easily replaced) and the tendency for premature slide release.
      The technique described here, releasing with the left hand/thumb, relieves a couple of these concerns. Thanks for the tip as it’s nothing that occurred to me nor was tought to me. That will be my new drill for my Glocks, HI Powers and, particularly, the 1911, since there’s so much gun to navigate with a reach-over. Though I’m still left “slingshotting” my little Keltec .380. I don’t care what bad things people try to lay-off on it, it’s been reliable, surprisingly accurate (for its size and tiny sights) and I can hide it anywhere I like, including (and this is the point of my ramble) in the palm of my very large hand. I can get a decent shooting grip, especially with the finger-rest magazine, it’s just a bit of a challenge getting a hold of the little slide with my big hand. But that’s my only choice, short of the “Catholic reload” (using the rhythm method, counting to six and reloading). lol
      I have replaced the slide-locks, where applicable, which help so I’ll tackle the left-handed stab at the slide locks (which have now become releases) and see where I land.
      I honestly wrote most of this for the benefit of my fellow, left-handed, ham-fisted brethren but I very much appreciate your advice. Thanks.

  • Jeff Coder

    Reply Reply December 1, 2019

    That technique only works for right handed shooters. I’m left handed, so i use a modified over the top technique. I insert the new mag, rotate the gun 90 deg CW with my left hand, rack the slide with my right hand and get back on target. That’s what works for me.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply December 1, 2019

      I’ll answer both places…something you may want to try if you’ve got hard hands is the “chop” technique where you chop the ejection port with your right support hand.

  • DB

    Reply Reply May 2, 2018

    Do not let your slide lock back! Dump the mag before that happens – even if it has a round or two left in it. i.e. you didn’t count.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply May 2, 2018

      I understand the temptation to think that way, DB, but I want to strongly encourage you to get some high quality force on force training. What you’ll figure out is that the whole “counting your rounds” theory doesn’t play out the way people think it does. In fact, you probably don’t even need force-on-force…for most people, most of the time, a relatively easy competition stage is enough to lose track of how many rounds you’ve fired.

  • Brad

    Reply Reply April 24, 2018

    Slide lock technique works great if you have a decent slide catch release lever (wather, hk)
    Not so well if you don’t (glock, sig).

    • Ox

      Reply Reply April 25, 2018

      Hey Brad, it definitely depends, but it depends more on the particular gun than the manufacturer. Glock makes an extended slide release and Beau is demonstrating on a Glock in the video. And not all Glocks are equally easy…I find that using the slide stop to release the slide is more difficult on a 43 than a 17 or 26. A 23 is more difficult than a 19. But it can be done in a timely manner on all of them with the right practice and possibly switching out slide stops.

  • Craig

    Reply Reply October 24, 2016

    I really appreciate the time taken to produce this visual comparison. I noticed this upon my first dry practice exercise with my new Glock 34 having an extended slide lock lever but I have been unable to accurately quantify the difference. I would like to add that this is not possible with any consistency with my Glock gen3 models because the slide lock is far too difficult for me to access under time/duress. Having knowledge of the problem now, I am adding extended slide lock levers to all of my Glocks. Of course I don’t see that as necessary for most but it’s the reality of getting old and losing strength and dexterity.

    Thanks for the video. You have earned a bookmark on my start page.
    Thanks for your service.
    PS: In the Army (medic), I was taught “slide lock” with firing hand but I think that’s too much responsibility for one hand to manage.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply October 24, 2016

      Thanks, Craig…when you try to articulate the slide stop with the shooting hand, you’re swiping the thumb along the frame. There’s a couple of problems with it…

      First, depending on the shooter and the gun, they may not be able to get good impact on the slide stop with their thumb without adjusting their grip.

      Second, swiping your thumb makes the technique WAY less reliable in perfect conditions, let alone when you add stress, blood, sweat, gloves, etc. A lot of the bad rap that the technique has received through the years is because shooters attempt to do it this way, but fail often.

      When you push in+down with your left HAND, using your left thumb as the impact point, the technique is as reliable as racking.

  • Carlos

    Reply Reply July 8, 2016

    All this is pretty academic because there are a lot of examples that is pro or con to either techniques. I personally prefer to use the overhand “slingshot” method because it works with just about any SA handgun (with very few exceptions). This helped me a lot when I was teaching beginners on their pistol. The location of the slide release (or slide stop as Glock calls theirs) differ between some models. And in the case of some pistols, this lever may not be available (ie: Kel-Tec P-3AT).

    I have also seen some well trained shooters either release the slides too soon (in their attempts to go faster) or outright miss them (usually when wet and wearing gloves). However, for the most part, those that prefer to use the slide release levers AND trained themselves to do so are a lot faster than those of us who prefer the overhand technique. If you decide to use the thumb release technique, make sure your firearm is equipped with one in the first place or it will be a moot point.

    We are all built differently and process information in our own ways. The combinations of physical build, hand strength, and handguns out there are infinite. There is a reason why there are multiple viable techniques that have been tested in both the square and 2-way range. Bottom line is it really does not matter which one you use as long as you practice the way you might fight.

    In Martial Arts the Katas were not created to show how pretty, graceful or powerful a particular technique is to an observer. Katas are meant to give its practitioners a simple step-by-step pattern that allows them to repeat the movements so that they can build the proper neural pathways. These should allow them to apply the various movements without having to put much thought into it (aka: muscle memory).

  • Jon

    Reply Reply April 19, 2016

    I am a left-handed shooter. I have several handguns and I have gotten pretty adept to using the slide lock on my Sig Scorpion and Glock 30. I installed an extended slide on my 1911, which i depress my trigger finger, by positioning it while drawing a full magazine, works great I have fairly large hands). I installed an extended forward slide release on my Glock and operate it the same way, with good results. I wish someone would create a 1911 that ejects to the left. I’d buy one today!

    Good stuff Ox and crew. And someone mentioned 100% reliability all the time…no such thing. Firearms are mechanical devices, which have the ability at anytime. Ox, you have the right idea about replacing any questionable parts before they go bad, even though it’s not a 100% guarantee.

  • Mic Sherwood

    Reply Reply October 28, 2015

    I will agree with you, for right handed shooters. However left handed shooters do not always have the same advantage.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply October 28, 2015

      You’re right, Mic…and there are 3 solutions…

      First, switch to right handed. This really only makes sense if you’re also right eye dominant. It’s not a joke suggestion, but I recognize that it’s a little far fetched.

      Second, use a pistol that has a left handed slide release. Walther is my favorite that I’ve shot so far.

      Third, “chop” the ejection port with your right hand, releasing the pressure on the slide stop and letting the spring take it back down so the slide can go back into battery. This is the best solution for most left handers on most guns.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply October 28, 2015

      You’re right, Mic…and there are 3 solutions…

      First, switch to right handed. This really only makes sense if you’re also right eye dominant. It’s not a joke suggestion, but I recognize that it’s a little far fetched.

      Second, use a pistol that has a left handed slide release. Walther is my favorite that I’ve shot so far.

      Third, “chop” the ejection port with your right hand, releasing the pressure on the slide stop and letting the spring take it back down so the slide can go back into battery. This is the best solution for most left handers on most guns.

  • Kevin

    Reply Reply October 28, 2015

    I would have to disagree to a point. utilizing the slide lock, is effective as long as you are not under stress, the whole fine motor idea. Also it was one thing with older firearms where it was actually a slide release, and not just a slide lock. They were built a little beefier. now the majority Glock, S&W for example are a lot smaller. so if you are bloody, muddy, or sweaty. it will is not a 100% effective method, racking the slide will always work, even with gloves. please do not mix competition with combat training.

  • David Burke

    Reply Reply October 27, 2015

    Good technique, I have already incorporated it into some of our courses.

    Thank you for sharing.


  • Marc

    Reply Reply October 27, 2015

    WOW!! Incredible, amazing and dare I say….impressive?? I am always interested in seeing what tips and techniques you guys have to offer the rest of us.

    I have and use the dry fire training cards, 30 10 Pistol book and a host of other training aids that have been recommended and proven. I need to thank you guys for offering such helpful tools and methods.

    I was in the Ranger Battalions for a bit and learned plenty with the M16/CAR15/M4s there but sidearms were (at that time) not issued to each man and therefore leaves me learning from men like you all. And, I have to say that I would not have it any other way. You guys are extremely knowledgeable, practical and use plain language to pass along your knowledge to would be students and critics alike.

    Ox, GREAT job responding to the men and women who post, you never challenge or talk down to anyone…even though it may be warranted, LOL. Well done men, and thank you all for your service.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply October 27, 2015

      Thanks, Marc…I really appreciate your trust, comments, and your business. You’d laugh if you knew how many responses I wrote out, deleted, and then re-rewrote 🙂 And I use a better filter here than I do on Facebook.

  • Sean

    Reply Reply October 27, 2015

    The first one was how i was shown when i was a kid and it is how i always done it thinking it was the only way to do it. No no SF person ever taught me that, just a retired supply first sergeant.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply October 27, 2015

      The technique has been used since Vietnam…possibly longer. It went out of favor because of people using bad technique and non-combat worthy guns. The only reason I mention Larry’s experience is that it shakes people out of their stupor about there only being 1 correct way to take the gun from slidelock to battery.

  • Rick Cross

    Reply Reply October 27, 2015

    Hey Ox, It’s Rick Cross in Las Vegas.

    🙂 Boy I sure do apologize for being overly aggressive in my first post to you on this video (we all have bad days even as a sheepdog).

    You made some very good points and YOU have taught me a few things! I always have the motto of “Always a Student, Sometimes a Teacher”.

    I really like the fact you have your carry handgun checked twice a year by a qualified gunsmith! Gonna’ start doing this and recommending it in my class. I also like that if I have concerns about the slide lock….Yep, just replace it! On my (now) carry gun, a Gen4 Glock 30 I know it’s not that expensive and I can probably swap it out myself.

    I’ve always believed the ‘slide lock’ technique was the fastest and most efficient method of reloading and for many years I used the slide lock to reload my carry guns and I’ve never had a problem (dozens’ of Front Sight classes). It was only during a CFP qualification that a good friend and fellow instructor took me down the road of ‘Don’t do that!’. I still believe in doing everything possible so you don’t make the gun less reliable but the points you made were spot on….That tool of self-preservation on your side not only requires, but demands your attention to every part of it at all times..Dry fire, live fire, maintenance including the mags, the right ammo, the right training.

    I’ve purchased a few items from Survive in Place and I’m a member of the Tactics and Preparedness Newsletter…As soon as I get home from work today, I’ll be ordering the Concealed Carry Master Course!
    The other course I want to get it the Real World Sealed Mindset Video Course. Can I qualify for a discount if I get both? 😀

    Keep you updated.

    Be Safe and Stay in Condition Yellow!


    • Ox

      Reply Reply October 27, 2015

      Thanks a ton, Rick!

  • Mark

    Reply Reply October 27, 2015

    Super! Shows another way that is more efficient that whatis commonly taught in most police academies. I will be practicing this new technique. I showed this to a tng instructor a few months ago but they were not accepting of the idea. Seeing is believing. Today I will show another instructor where I work. Thanks for sharing, & not keeping this hidden. My hat is off to you. Retired SF

  • John

    Reply Reply October 27, 2015

    The way I’ve trained from day ONE… so I guess I’m at a loss to appreciate why this should be so revolutionary (my word). Efficiency equals time; time equals life. Fine motor skill? I dunno….it’s not any finer than actuating the mag release to drop your spent magazine. For those who still want to hem & haw even after watching the video, I can tell you that the ONLY time this technique failed me was also the ONLY time my slide failed to lock open due to hundreds of rounds in a session and very dirty ammo. And that’s not even a fair critique – even if I’d taken that ammo into combat, I’d never have had to fire that many rounds ’cause let’s face it: if you ever have to burn more than 3 hi-cap mags in a defensive situation, you’re using the wrong tools in the wrong place. This method WORKS.

  • Mark Lucier

    Reply Reply October 27, 2015

    Thank you it makes perfect sense thee slide lock is right there and overhand lock does take some thought keeping your hand free from muzzle. I will have to give this a try.
    Thanks again

  • David

    Reply Reply October 27, 2015

    Looks great and works awesome with right handed shooters! What about those of us that shoot left?

    • Ox

      Reply Reply October 27, 2015

      If you don’t have or want to get a gun with a left handed slide release, you can use the “chop” technique where you “chop” the ejection port with your right hand enough to relieve the pressure on the slide release so that the spring brings it back down and the main spring takes the slide into battery.

  • wayne

    Reply Reply May 14, 2015

    I carried a Colt 1911 in Vietnam and always kept a round in the chamber with the hammer back and safety on. At all times, even while I was sleeping. I think that there is no question that the slide lock method is faster and easier to accomplish. When your life is on the line every fraction of a second counts. Especially when you are confronted by 3 or 4 terrorists.

  • mat

    Reply Reply May 13, 2015

    Do all auto pistols have a lock release?

    • Ox

      Reply Reply May 13, 2015

      I’m sure there are some that don’t…I know the SW380 doesn’t and the Hi-Standard 101 .22 doesn’t, but those 2 guns have a lot of oddities.

      There’s a bigger point to your question, and I’m glad you liked it.

      As I go into here: There are NO universal pistol techniques. Saying that racking is the way to go because it works on all pistols ignores the fact that different pistols have different controls for the safety, slide stop, mag release, and more.

      My suggestion is to master a single pistol and the absolute best techniques for that pistol

      Then familiarize yourself with other pistols.

      Then master additional pistols as time allows. The more you master your first pistol, the faster you’ll be able to master additional pistols.

  • George

    Reply Reply May 13, 2015

    The seal way is the way to go if you are in need of putting lead down range, but if the needs are for a little slower and more comtroled issue at hand than racking might be the way to go, as for me I don’t expect to have to use more that two shots to stop the bad guy, but if there are maga zombies there that any thing i can do to stop the hoard then that the needs of the hour.

  • R. Gibbs

    Reply Reply May 12, 2015

    I have used the thumb release method for 40 years. People are always trying to convert me to the over the top release. I recently went to a class where the instructor thought he was the know all end all of training and preached that. I truly hate this type of personality. I’m a FA instructor myself. I ask people to try something, if it works for them great, if not then move on. 40 years and I’m still learning and try to be open minded. I always thought the slide release was faster for me and have actually used it under stress. It works.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply May 12, 2015

      That’s awesome, but using the thumb is a variation of the technique that works WAY better for some people than others.

      As an example, I’ve got small hands and long arms. I have a problem hitting the mag release on many guns with my thumb, let alone the slide stop.

      The other thing is that many people make the mistake, both with their right and left thumb, of trying to slide their thumb along the frame. This causes errors if they are off a fraction of an inch, or if things are slippery. Fortunately, this is easy to take care of by simply pushing in + down at an angle so that you get enough meat on metal to insure that it disengages.

  • Doug Gerber

    Reply Reply May 12, 2015

    Good video. Great to see side by side. As it turns out, I’m doing it the faster way already. Good thing to know since I just started competing in IDPA. Every millisecond counts.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply May 12, 2015

      Hey Doug,

      A couple of things on IDPA (and defensive use of a pistol)

      1. I feel (this isn’t gospel) that it’s important to know both techniques and to not be dogmatic about which one you use. I’ve got thousands of reps in using the slide lock and can go from shooting a -0 at 15 feet, doing a slide-stop reload, and getting my next shot on the -0 in under 2 seconds. Even so, I still realize, after the fact, that I still rack from time to time without thinking about it. It has NEVER caused confusion or a problem.

      2. If you’re looking to squeeze out miliseconds, watch Beau again and look at the angle of his elbow. He doesn’t bring the gun in and keeps the front sight between his dominant eye and the target. This takes a lot of practice and visual discipline to be able to consistently and reliably hit the mag well with a fresh mag with your pistol semi-extended, but the simple process of bringing your gun in and pushing it back out can take .5-1 seconds.

      And, yes, that is a self-defense technique that happens to work well for competition. It’s not a competition-only technique. That being said, you DO have to practice it until it is a conditioned response.


    Reply Reply May 12, 2015

    (Sorry – Should have read the comments first!)

    • Ox

      Reply Reply May 12, 2015

      No problem, David! It’s a great question.

  • Tom

    Reply Reply May 12, 2015

    Great illustration. I never use the over hand – nor do I use the slide release … My favorite piece is the H&K P30 9mm. When I bump a new mag in place, my weapon automatically re-arms and is ready to shoot. You are so right about spending a few more dollars and having a reliable weapon. Plinking on the range is not reality!! Thanks and I am considering your course … I just don’t do well with video training – but you have convinced me to at least try. SemperFi


    Reply Reply May 12, 2015

    Is there an application for lefties for using the slide release?

  • Steve

    Reply Reply May 12, 2015

    Great video – it is comparing fine motor skill vs gross motor skill isn’t it? Under duress/wet hands etc wouldn’t the slide rack be more consistent? Also, slide rack maybe more efficient for lefties, unless gun is truly ambidextrous.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply May 12, 2015

      Hey Steve,

      thanks for your comment. The slide stop technique is only a fine motor skill if you do it wrong. But even if it is a fine motor skill, so is acquiring your grip, disengaging retention, acquiring your support hand grip, disengaging safties, lining up the sights, isolating the index finger and pressing the trigger, and hitting the mag release 🙂

      I challenge you to try both methods with wet/slick/cold hands and/or with gloves. Done correctly, the slide stop technique is as reliable, if not more, under all of those conditions.

      The slide stop is still better for lefties when they’re shooting with their right hand (yes, that was smart-assery). Seriously, though…if you have the use of both hands and are shooting with your left hand, racking or chopping the ejection port are the 2 quickest methods.

  • BB

    Reply Reply May 12, 2015


    Nice comparison between both methods.

    I had a discussion on the topic over-the-top rack versus slide lock lever release for newbies. The old timers recommended the latter whereas I was advocating for the former. My rational was it was part of the NRA curriculum and more likely the newbies would need to acquire education building new skills over the ones they’ve learned without getting confused by having been taught conflicting methods (from their prospective).

    For advanced students, I agree the methods shall vary according to the situation and the dexterity, they are also able to understand these details.

    Then, what would be your recommendation for first time shooters? We keep focused on NRA fundamentals or we deviate a bit?

    • Ox

      Reply Reply May 12, 2015

      Great question, BB…I’m not being elusive, but I don’t have a direct answer for your question on first time shooters.

      The appropriateness of the technique doesn’t depend on the experience level of the shooter, but whether or not they’re willing to put in the time to take it from:

      a. Being something that they can consciously do when their is no stress.
      b. Being a complex motor movement that they can execute unconsciously as a conditioned response.

      Being able to parrot the skill for an instructor in a class is one thing, but putting in the repetitions necessary to transfer it from being a conscious skill to an unconscious one is the main key on whether or not it will work under extreme stress. If they’re not willing to put in the dry fire and live fire practice, then teach them the rack.

      Larry and Beau (from the video) teach newbies the slide lock technique, but they teach in a martial arts format where they’re working with the students multiple times per week for 60-90 minute chunks and have the time with them to drill in the technique.

      For more on this, you might want to check out this article:

  • Travis S. Miller

    Reply Reply May 12, 2015

    Thanks for showing this, this shows the best steps to use.

  • Scott

    Reply Reply May 12, 2015

    I used to be pretty firm in how I thought about how to handle a firearm. I had the “I know what I’m doing” or “this way or the highway” sort of thought process, just because I had SOME defensive handgun training. As time has gone on, I realize that the Dynamics of surviving a modern day gunfight have evolved, just like the techniques the bad guys are using. I’ve had to adapt. Don’t they say something like, Adapt or Die? Anyway, I do know that you train as you fight or you will never be able to remember what you have been trained in the first place, and in that split second when time slows and the front sight should be coming into focus, your hesitation could simply get you killed. Muscle Memory and a Conditioned Response are your friend, and possibly other than the guy beside you, your only backup. Don’t keep switching guns, but become old friends with that worn old piece that feels best in your hand. Become intimate with it. Trading Firearms is a Death Sentence. The best gun is the one you shoot the best with. Don’t be afraid to try new things, and if they seem to work, do it until it’s second nature. Be open to change, it has helped me become a better shooter. Practice does make perfect and since I can’t practice as much as the guys who make these videos, I defer to them for new methods. I figure if they’re developing them to keep themselves alive in more gunfights than I’ve ever read about, those methods are probably good enough for me, who prays he never gets into a fight, but is ready to end it if necessary. Safe shooting.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply May 12, 2015

      Amen to muscle memory and conditioned responses being your friend.

      As to not being able to practice as much as the guys in the videos…it might interest you to know that the Concealed Carry Masters Course AND the live fire training that they do at their training facility is 80-90% dry fire. That means that you could do the majority of your practice at home, without ammo or with an inert training platform, and get 9x the practice time you’re getting in now.

      There’s another component to this…when you don’t have to load up your stuff, drive to the range, wait for a lane, set up, load your mags, shoot, load your mags again, shoot, clean up, pay, drive home, clean your gun and put your stuff away, you can get a LOT of practice time in. The time it takes me to get ready to practice with my SIRT, put in 100 reps of practice, and put my SIRT away is 3-10 minutes, depending on what skill I’m practicing.

  • Frank Moore

    Reply Reply May 12, 2015

    Try the slide lock method left handed. Almost all slide locks are on the wrong side of the gun for left hand manipulation. Turn the gun on it’s side, look down to find the slide lock, push it down, return to the fight, if you are able. Racking the slide works with either hand.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply May 12, 2015

      Hey Frank,

      Great point…the slide stop method isn’t really appropriate for shooting left handed. The “chop” technique is better. With the “chop”, you chop down and back at the ejection port with your right hand…just enough to disengage the slide stop.

      Yes…racking DOES work with either hand, but for the shooter who wants to master their craft and squeeze out every possible second, and who is willing to put the practice time in, the slide stop technique is superior.

  • Richard

    Reply Reply May 2, 2015

    Impressive! Thanks for the demo!

  • Sue Ann L Vanderpool

    Reply Reply May 1, 2015

    I had the basic course but did not get to the courthouse to get the license. Now that I am widowed I must do everything myself. So I am interested in becoming self sufficient in survival skills. My husband was in charge of security. This seems like it is a good course.

  • HB

    Reply Reply January 18, 2015

    Fine motor skill go at 106 heartbeats and you’ll have to be one cool dude in a gunfight to keep in the envelope. As a Seal and weapons instructor I’ll stay with 100% reliable, I run the slide. I would want to see this under stress to convince me to change.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply January 20, 2015

      Hey HB,

      I want to challenge your implied statement when you say that “Fine motor skills go at 106 BPM. I would say that typing is a fine motor skill and I’m banging this email out with a 120 bpm pulse to prove a point…SOME fine motor skills “go” at 100-110 BPM for SOME people…namely skills that a person hasn’t done enough times to get a nice thick myelin sheath around their neural pathways for the skill. Skills that rapidly degrade at relatively low pulse rates are simply an indication that the person needs more practice. After that, they need more stress inoculation.

      If you’re serious about pistol shooting (it’s a false narrative that all SEALs are) you should try the slide lock method. 90+% of the time, it will get you back in the fight 1-3 shots faster than racking the slide…even with wet, slick, cold, or gloved hands. As a SEAL, I’m very surprised that you haven’t seen this method under stress multiple times in the past.

      As to 100% reliable…it doesn’t exist. And in case you’re wondering about the argument about fine motor skills degrading under stress too much for it to be effective…shooting a pistol uses MULTIPLE fine motor skills, like pressing the trigger, releasing the mag, disengaging the safety, and even aiming. Why would the fine motor skill of hitting the slide lock fail but the other fine motor skills remain intact?

      Thanks for your service. What class were you?

  • Bruce

    Reply Reply January 17, 2015

    Having graduated Gunsite in it’s early days, I received instruction on reloading from both Jeff Cooper and Chuck Taylor. I think I’ll stick with Uncle Jeff’s technique.

    Hit the mag release with your right thumb (assuming a right-handed shooter). Keep the pistol in the firing position with the grip vertical to allow the magazine to fall from the pistol. Don’t try to “shake” the pistol to free the magazine, it just wastes time. Draw the spare mag from the pouch on your left side (should be carried with the bullets pointing forward) using your left hand and “indexing” it by placing the tip of your index finger in the tip of the top cartridge, bringing your left hand to meet your right hand and slide the mag into the magazine well. If the empty/nearly empty magazine has not dropped free just from gravity, use the little finger of your left hand to pull the mag out of the mag well, then continue your reload. It’s best to reload your pistol BEFORE you shoot it dry because there is still a round in the chamber you can shoot if you have to during reloading, AND the weight of that last round will help the mag fall free from the mag well. If the slide has locked open, use your right thumb to depress the slide release and return to your shooting grip.

    The secret is to minimize necessary movements and to practice s-l-o-w-l-y to train your muscle memory. The more you practice, the faster you will be able to accomplish this (just like drawing and presenting your pistol or performing an “Immediate Action Drill” in case of a misfire). One tip: Practice your reloading technique WITH AN UNLOADED FIREARM over your bed so that when you drop the magazine it will land on the bed without being damaged, or damaging something else. It also helps to have a dummy round in the magazine at assist in “indexing” it for a smoother reload.

    One last thing, MOST defensive firefights end after 2-4 rounds. This leaves you with a partially-loaded pistol. RELOAD IMMEDIATELY, while watching for more “bad guys” you may not have noticed. In most circumstances you are reloading to be ready for the NEXT firefight, not to continue this one. As the Boy Scouts say, “Be Prepared”, Or as Uncle Jeff would say, “Be in Condition Yellow or Condition Orange”.

    If it appears the safe to do so, pick up your spent magazine, which should still have some cartridges left in it. You may need the extra ammo in a few minutes. DVC, Bruce

  • George W

    Reply Reply January 17, 2015

    I use both with my Beretta 92. I agree that the slide lock is faster. I practice that but use the rack a lot because I have had marines, police and instructors tell me that continued use of the slide lock method will degrade the mechanism i.e. wear down the metal.

    What are your opinions?

    • Ox

      Reply Reply January 17, 2015

      Theoretically, they’re correct. Practically, I haven’t seen any wear and will gladly replace my inexpensive slide lock as often as needed to make it a non-issue.

      I’m willing to spend $10 every few years on replacement parts (or even a couple hundred for an entirely new slide) if it means that I’m going to be able to use superior technique in the meantime. That’s me…it’s not a right or wrong thing, that’s just my take on it.

  • rappini

    Reply Reply January 17, 2015

    This maybe a stretch especially for someone like myself who’s considered an old geezer, but wouldn’t it be quicker if you were to count the rounds leaving one in battery thereby not having to rack the slide at all, I said it was a stretch.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply January 17, 2015

      That’s a great plan if you can pull it off, but it tends to be much harder in practice than in theory.

  • CavScout62

    Reply Reply January 17, 2015

    Are you kidding me?! Who in the world doesn’t use the slide stop release technique?!!! Unless you have a broken gun, WTF?!!!


    • Ox

      Reply Reply January 17, 2015

      Hey CS62, thanks for your comments…you may not know it, but “slide lockers” are rejected by the majority of pop and LE firearms training and we’re looked upon like red headed step-children.

      For LE firearms training, most units in most departments don’t have the time or money to train their officers beyond basic competence and they tend towards base level skills, like racking the slide. I agree with this. Racking the slide is a base level skill that everyone should know, but it’s not as fast, efficient, or effective as using the slide lock on a quality pistol.

  • Woolval

    Reply Reply January 17, 2015

    Ox, I’ve seen a few questions from left handed shooters but no reply from you! Come on, give some feedback for us lefties! Remember, we’re the ones in our right mind. I’m just not feeling the love…

    Other than that, good demo video, especially the slow motion. It really shows the improvement.

  • snow leopard

    Reply Reply January 15, 2015

    I have always used slide lock release during reloads. However, I have run into guns with somewhat long reach and I use my left hand upon insert. why would anyone practice any other way ..??

  • Mark

    Reply Reply January 14, 2015

    MY bad Ox. I should have read ALL the comments before asking. It’s clear from several (like Steve Konegni) in your response that you’re running stock handgun-s. Cool. I can only imagine how much quicker you might be if you’d made upgrades…ha-ha. Jus’ playin’

  • Mark

    Reply Reply January 14, 2015

    Hey Ox, question…just curious buddy. YOU being a Glock guy for a while now…a long while I gather, and knowing the FACTORY slide lock/releases are really small, thin and narrow on Glocks, have you added an aftermarket slide lever like a ‘Vickers’ or any other possibly? I did and it was definitely the BEST upgrade to date, with the extended mag release a distant second. Awesome Ox, got a GREAT thing going brother! Thanks…

    • Ox

      Reply Reply January 17, 2015

      I haven’t, but I think everyone else I know who uses the slide lock technique has opted for the Glock, Vickers, or similar extended slide lock.

      FWIW, I like Glocks, but the main reason that they are my go-to platform is that I have been buying “stuff” (holsters, mags, airsoft, laser simulators, etc.) for Glocks for 16 years and it just doesn’t make sense for me to switch. If I were starting from scratch or didn’t have as much money into “stuff”, I’d be torn between Glock, XD, and M&P. They’re all 3 incredible performers. I also shoot 1911s, H&K, Sig, & Walther, but that’s just “fun” shooting.

  • Mark

    Reply Reply January 14, 2015

    Most excellent! About TIME somebody has come out AND PROVEN what I’ve known (and felt comfortable practicing) all along. And no, I’m no SEAL…not by a long shot, no pun intended. It IS ALL about HOW you practice, and how much. Is there ever enough? Nope. Great job

  • Rick Wright

    Reply Reply January 12, 2015

    Thanx for the great series. On this particular technique, though, I beg to disagree. My training says, “Carry the same gun in the same place, and operate it the same way all of the time.” That enhances muscle memory training. As far as this technique, my reservation is, what if your hands are sweaty or bloody? It would work great for a guy wearing tactical gloves of some kind, which probably would not be the case for the average Joe. Thanx for listening!

    • Ox

      Reply Reply January 13, 2015

      Hey Rick,

      Great comments/questions. We’re on the same page on carrying/operating the same way all of the time.

      Here are some situations that I can give you first hand beta on…
      Sweaty-no problem with a factory Glock slide lock.
      Bloody-I don’t know on human blood. Animal blood is no problem. For training I use Karo syrup.
      Cold-I stick my hands in a salt/ice water bath until my hands hurt, rinse them off (salt), and practice technique. No problems. I also train regularly in 10 degree or colder weather. No problem
      Wet-No problem.

      There are 2 mistakes that trip people up…first, they try to use their right thumb to release the slide. This is a HARD move to do reliably, effectively, and efficiently.

      Second, they try to “slide” their thumb along the frame, parallel to the surface. I PUSH my thumb down along the surface of the gun and into the surface of the gun (as if I’m trying to push my thumb through the gun)…at a 15-45 downward angle.

  • Matt Van Camp

    Reply Reply January 11, 2015

    An eye-opener! Thanks for that. While it is apparent that practice will be paramount (as always!)
    Especially because every automatic pistol has a different slide-retainer/magazine latch operation, a person would need to become familiar with the pistol he chooses… But that pretty much goes without saying because most people aren’t changing their concealed carry weapon daily, weekly, or even annually. These kinds of; “muscle-memory” exercises are like that, anyways!

  • Calvin

    Reply Reply January 11, 2015

    What if you are left handed. How many reps are required to become proficient in this manner. How about gross motor skills instead of fine motor skills in a stressful situation. Also by using the slide stop to release the slide you do not get all of the springs power stripping the round from the magazine and forcing it into the chamber. Just my thoughts

  • mykultodd

    Reply Reply January 11, 2015

    Great video. I agree slide lock is faster than racking the slide, unless of course like myself you are a left handed shooter. Then the slide lock release requires more forethought into one’s handgun selection. Few have ambidextrous slide releases. Unfortunately the few I have handled didn’t feel comfy in my hand. I typically cc a Taurus PT145 but occasionally carry my S&W 4516-1 or Ruger P90dc. None of which have right side release. And as for fine motor skills, trying to rapid release with the left index finger is not an option when seconds count, not for me anyway.

  • Thomas Kane

    Reply Reply January 10, 2015

    Went right out and tried it myself.
    No doubt about it. Much faster.
    Plus: “racking-hand” doesn’t obscure view of target when using slide-lock. Pure focus.
    Thanks for the great clip!

    • Jeff Coder

      Reply Reply December 1, 2019

      I’m also left handed, so I use a modified over the top technique. I insert the new mag, rotate the gun 90 deg CW with my left hand, rack the slide with my right hand and get back on target. That’s what works for me.

      • Ox

        Reply Reply December 1, 2019

        I’ll answer both places…something you may want to try if you’ve got hard hands is the “chop” technique where you chop the ejection port with your right support hand.

  • Buddy Price

    Reply Reply January 10, 2015

    I couldn’t find a video.

  • MildBill

    Reply Reply January 10, 2015

    The only problem I see is that while 1911’s have a smooth/large enough slide release, many others (specifically Glocks) have a very low profile and it takes a really concentrated effort to make the release function. . . . The lever just does not protrude enough for a quick release. . . I have installed extended slide releases on many of my Glocks and this method would work with them, but not with the factory original equipment, at least not with the certainty that is required. . . I like the method, but some pistols would need alteration to be truly effective. . . With that in mind, ANY advantage is a plus and a worthwhile endeavor to make it a reality ! . . . . Good show !

    • Ox

      Reply Reply January 13, 2015

      Thanks, Mild Bill! I don’t use extended slide locks on my Glocks, but know many people who swear by them.

      On the 1911s, there are a lot of them that, because of the spring tension and feed ramp angle, NEED the extra 1/4-1/2″ of spring tension/slide travel that racking the slide provides to cycle reliably. It’s a case where you need to know your gun.

  • CJ

    Reply Reply January 10, 2015

    I use a Glock 19 and for the past two years have used the slide lock technique for all my reload drills. I would say in a relatively short period of time it has become second nature. I don’t even think about it and my thumb automatically goes there after I insert a new magazine. I have trained many ways and this is by far the most effective and efficient way to get back in the fight. When cleaning my gun after use, I examine the parts, including the slide lock, to look for abnormal wear and tear. I have yet to see any adverse effects on the slide lock after practicing this technique hundreds of times. I would also have to argue that this is a completely fine motor skill. If sweeping your thumb down on the the slide lever is a fine motor skill, then I would say that is one of the easiest fine motor skills I’ve ever done. From someone who has done this technique over and over, I would just like to say that I agree with these guys and highly recommend this technique. I would rather have those few seconds of speed on my reload than worry about the off chance of my slide lock lever breaking.

  • Steve Konegni

    Reply Reply January 10, 2015

    I was taught by the USMC to use the slide lock on a 1911. As a cop and at Gunsight as well as Thunder Ranch the over the top method (with my P226, then G17) was emphasized. When I taught Marines and Coasties on the M9, it was the slide lock, since trying the overhand with the safety/decocking lever was not practical. I won’t even get into the poor ergonomic design of that lever placement by Beretta).
    However, when teaching CCW classes using the G17 to civilians, I ran into many folks with virtually no strength to use the stock slide lock on a range, let alone in the real world. The overhand worked well for them.
    I was in a close combat situation as a cop with a trashed left wrist (misdiagnosed for over a month) and a fight for my G17 ensued with a nut case. I ended up with a double feed and thank God I had practiced with dummy rounds in the dark, time and time again my various levels of malfunction clearance drills. It was and is second nature to me. Cleared it and sent him to hell. No remorse, pity or guilt.
    I can’t imagine in that situation being able to use my slide lock due to my injury. It is nice to have both situations covered by practicing both methods and having options. No different than shooting with either hand as the strong hand for barricades and either eye with either hand. Reality.
    I now have arthritis in my thumbs and the over hand works for me. However having seen the video, I will get some over sized slide locks and practice with that method. Weak springs are for games and gamesmen, not real life. My opinion. Cold weather and gloves is a whole other discussion.
    I just noticed a comment by Chris on the malfunctions of Glocks. Coming from the M9 to the Glocks will show that some folks don’t lock up behind the gun real well with their grip. You can get away with that on an M9 or Sig, but generally not a Glock. Make sure you have absolutely no give in your wrist with the Glock or most polymer guns. They will malfunction if you don’t. We use to call it limp wristing and it has nothing to do with sexuality……..its just that with a heavier more robust framed pistol you can get away with it. Carry what works for you.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply January 13, 2015

      Good stuff, Steve. Thank you.

      You bring up a few great points and I want to address them GENERALLY…

      I see the most problems with this technique with 1911s. The fact is, you have to know your gun.

      There’s a big difference between the most effective techniques and base level techniques.

      If you want to use what works all the time, then you should rip, rack, new mag, rack, assess EVERY time you have a malfunction. That’s laughable, and nobody does it because it’s not necessary or beneficial MOST of the time. Traditional teaching is to tap, rack, assess first and then roll into a Type 3 drill if it fails…even though the ideal situation would have been to go straight to the rip.

      Gun training culture has accepted that it’s worth having a 1-2 second delay on a type 3 malfunction in order to be faster when dealing with the majority of malfunctions.

      Similarly, I’m saying that in the 90 (99+% in my experience) percent of the time that the slide lock does work, it gets a shooter back into the fight faster than the overhand rack. If it fails, you simply roll over to doing a rack just like you’d roll over to a type 3 drill if tap, rack fails.

      The overhand rack still has to be taught, learned, and practiced, but for people who are serious about their craft, the slide lock will get them back in the fight faster.

      As to your injury, ALL gun handling techniques are somewhat shooter dependent. There are differences based on eye dominance, right or left hand shooting, injuries, etc. If it works for you, I’d suggest you use it. If it doesn’t, stick with what you’re doing. That’s a big reason why I practice one-handed right and left handed reloads on a regular basis.

      On gloves and cold…I regularly shoot in cold (10 degrees or less), snowy, dark conditions and this technique is good to go with Mechanix gloves, leather patrol gloves, and even my heavy leather WRX gloves. I’m primarily running a Glock 17 and a Glock 26. I don’t have an extended slidelock and my guns range from ~1000 rounds to 15,000 rounds through them without replacing the slide lock or slide lock spring.

      Again, thank you…glad you’re around and the BG isn’t doing damage anymore.

      Stay frosty, and keep your wrist solid 🙂

  • William

    Reply Reply January 10, 2015

    Can the authors please address the realities of left handed shooters as regards these techniques. Im a left handed shooter and by necessity have to work alternative techniques on pistols and carbines but would appreciate some insight on high speed hacks to weapons manipulations for the left handed shooter. Thanks much

  • Ron

    Reply Reply January 10, 2015

    Good video. I teach both methods; however, as with many things, individual variables dictate which works best per individual student and firearm.

  • cary

    Reply Reply December 8, 2014

    I was taught in the 80’s when Practical Pistol competing to do the slide lock. always have.
    There have been times that the slide pull back was the more functional.
    behind a barricade the time not as important , I would just naturally just pull the slide back without thinking. during shooting and moving, the slidelock just came again naturally.

  • mnm

    Reply Reply December 8, 2014

    ummm…. what video 😛

  • Chris (former OS2)

    Reply Reply December 7, 2014

    See I even being from hunting area, because of crazies, never shot a gun prior to joining the navy. My question really is why a glock over say the M-9 service pistol. Is the one more reliable than the other. I have had two different hand guns since I got out of the navy and both were glocks and both jammed on me in was the M9 never did. So I was wondering more If a glock is better before I go trying to get a new handgun. So far all non military guns I have owned in any category feel unsatisfying with the exception of ARs. But M16 is an AR mod, I learned this when I was still in designated working for the GMs onboard my ship. So yeah any help here would be hot, because like you I agree on knowing all I can about one gun. But I not sure which one gun… And does caliber matter or is 9mm fine?

    Sincerely Sabo, C. J.
    Former Operations Specialist
    2nd Class Petty Officer

    • Ox

      Reply Reply December 8, 2014

      Hey Chris,

      If you like it and it works reliably for you, then it’s a good gun 🙂 Look for a range in your area that has lots of range guns that you could shoot before buying one.

      I’ve got a couple of Glocks with more than 10,000 rounds through them and don’t remember any jams. I’m SURE they’ve happened, but they happen so seldomly that they’re a blip on the radar. Two things that I do that may contribute to their reliability is that I have a firm grip and I shoot full power loads. That being said, I’m not a “Glock” guy. I just started buying/shooting them 15+ years ago and have too many holsters, accessories, and time on the platform for it to make sense to switch. If they all stopped working tomorrow, I’d probably be equally happy with an XD, M&P or Sig.

      As to the caliber debate, the latest FBI/NIJ findings are STRONGLY in favor of 9mm hollowpoints. For a “downrange” take on the caliber debate from someone who has to shoot full metal jackets, read this:

  • Loren

    Reply Reply December 7, 2014

    I have been a police firearms instructor for over 35 years, I learned the slide lock release when I first went to the auto many years ago. A few years ago our department and the new hotshot instructors on the department with me (no disrespect, they are fine officers and instructors) started teaching the overhand slide release. I understand the thinking about gross motor skills in the heat of battle, but I found that every time I was in a scenario shoot, competition or qualification, I reverted to the slide lock release. All it takes is a little pressure/stress, and you revert to what you have practiced most, so I continue to use it. You should practice the slide lock release a lot, and do it with gloves as well, the potential drawback in cold weather! If you are faced with people who will not practice live or dry on their own, only shooting when they have to qualify two to four times a year for our department, the overhand method may be the best for them.

  • Dan Travertrini

    Reply Reply December 7, 2014

    To answer your challenge question, how does using the slide release technique wearing gloves during this time of the season compare to the over hand slide release?

    • Ox

      Reply Reply December 7, 2014

      Hey Dan,

      For me, it depends on the gloves. Regardless, I just go with muscle memory, go for the slide lock and immediately transition to the overhand rack if I don’t get the desired results.

  • Firewagon

    Reply Reply December 6, 2014

    “….particular to this time of year…can you guess what it is? :)”

    Attempting to use the slide lock with gloves….

    I’m also with whomever was not too interested in ‘changing’ your carry weapon. Bak-in-tha-day, some old gunny commented that “the one gun guy, might just know how to use it.” Not against owning and using many different guns, I do, however, my G29 is about the only one that has “a lot of silver” showing from being carried in, and coming out of, my CCholster!

    • Ox

      Reply Reply December 7, 2014

      Ding, Ding, Ding! Winner, winner, chicken dinner 🙂

  • Jeff

    Reply Reply December 6, 2014

    Rick, the things you won’t do durring training, won’t happen in a fight because you haven’t trained yourself to do them. There is no such thing as “do it this way on the range, but in a real fight you should do it that way instead”. If that’s your training methodology, then you are wasting time and ammo at the range. How you train is how you will fight.

  • James

    Reply Reply December 6, 2014

    Video Failed to play!

  • Robert Clyde

    Reply Reply December 6, 2014

    The slide release method is something we started training on this quarter during qualifications. It takes practice and building muscle memory, but is definitely a faster technique. For those of us who have trained for years on the rack method it is a tough transition. However, I believe it is worth the time and effort to learn.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply December 6, 2014

      Hey Robert, I’m in the same boat and here’s what I’ve found…Almost all I practice now is the slide lock method, but I’ve got 20+ years of racking under my belt. 80-90% of the time, I’m using the slide lock method, but in force on force situations, that number drops down to the 40-60% range. Ironically, the more behind the curve I am, the more I default to racking the slide. That’ll work it’s way out with reps, but that’s the reality on the ground right now. In any case, I’m not throwing out the rack technique and the course of action that I’ve decided on is that when I’ve got a Glock in my hands, my conditioned response is to use the slide lock, but when I’ve got ANYTHING else in my hands, my conditioned response is to rack the slide.

  • Rich

    Reply Reply December 6, 2014

    You need to know both. Also, how to release slide using gun belt, table edge, whatever, in extreme emergency

    • Ox

      Reply Reply December 6, 2014

      Amen to that! Thanks, Rich.

  • Lou

    Reply Reply December 6, 2014

    Thats all fine and good for someone as practiced and trained as the Navy Seals. Us regular folks don’t usually have the time to “burn” something like this into our routine. NOT all carry pistols can be easily released by the slide lock either, the Ruger LC9 comes to mind…..
    Another potential issue is not everyone carries the same pistol all the time.This looks fine and shows the possibilities if you are using the same pistol ALL the time and would be perfect for Seals but in the real world, personally I feel the slide release should be first choice for the less than professional warrior.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply December 6, 2014

      Hey Lou…thanks for your comment, and what you’re saying USED to be correct. You USED to need the time and money to burn to shoot like a Navy SEAL. With tools like,,, and, you can develop high level skills in your living room, without burning ammo, in a limited amount of time, using dry fire, airsoft, and mental imagery.

      You’re right that there are some pistols where the forward tension or other factors make using the slide lock to release the slide too difficult to be practical, but for the people who do have a pistol that the technique works on, it’s a great technique.

      You’re also right on people who swap out pistols faster than I change underwear 🙂 I don’t get that habit…I want a platform that I know intimately so that if I have to use it in a high stress self-defense situation, I don’t have to think about which gun I’ve got or how it works. For me, that means that I’ve got Glocks in multiple calibers and multiple frame sizes…but that’s because I started getting Glocks 15+ years ago. If I were to start today, it’d be a tossup between Glock, XD, & M&P.

      If you feel that racking the slide is the best choice for you, then run with it and own it! The slide lock method will let you start getting rounds on target faster after a reload, but there’s no absolute “right” or “wrong” on this…it depends on the individual shooters’ situation.

      One thing that I’m still waiting for is for someone to bring up a shortcoming of the slide lock method that’s particular to this time of year…can you guess what it is? 🙂

  • Steve Jackson

    Reply Reply December 6, 2014

    I use a wheel gun. Pretty impressed with his speed with the auto loader. I never could get used to the torque twist when I had one.

  • roger dane

    Reply Reply December 6, 2014

    I’ve known of this ‘controversy’ for years but believe this is the “first” really good comparison (cannot fool the camera) – certainly proves the point. Good job!

    • C P

      Reply Reply August 22, 2018

      Check out S&W’s M&P series of pistols – their release is ambidextrous, and they are excellent firearms!

      • Ox

        Reply Reply August 23, 2018

        I’ve got to agree…the M&P line are pretty awesome.

  • nancy

    Reply Reply December 6, 2014

    Good info, and convincingly demonstrated! Unfortunately, the slide lock release option is not available to those of us who are left-handed.

    Our copy of the full video series just arrived. We’re looking forward to reviewing it.

  • Adam

    Reply Reply December 6, 2014

    Great video, what surprises me is that everyone doesn’t use the slide lock release upon reload,
    learned that in comm school in 1970, and then again when I went to recon, still use it today and taught my son the same

    • Ox

      Reply Reply December 6, 2014

      Hey Adam,

      Basically, everyone doesn’t use it for a few reasons…

      First, because the slide release isn’t always in the same place and doesn’t always release the slide with the same amount of force. Racking the slide is a base skill that works on any semi-auto.

      Second, it IS a fine motor skill, and you have to practice it more to be able to do it under stress.

      Third, some guns NEED that extra 1/2″ of spring tension to properly chamber a round and go into battery. I don’t carry/shoot those kinds of guns for competition or carry, but some people insist on doing so and can only use the slide rack option.

  • Rick Cross

    Reply Reply December 6, 2014

    Well of course dropping the slide by pressing on the slide lock lever with your thumb is faster.
    As I tell my CCW students some rules get bent, others’ get broken when it comes to a fight for your life!

    Finicky guns??? I WOULD NEVER CARRY A GUN THAT I THOUGHT WAS ‘FINICKY!’ If it doesn’t work the first time and every time with whatever technique I WOULD NEVER CARRY IT!

    It must be 100% reliable every time and all the time!

    I DO NOT recommend dropping the slide with your thumb during normal practice especially with your carry gun. The more you do that, the more you weaken the slide lock lever and if it breaks during a actual are in serious trouble.

    When it comes to a lot of things I wouldn’t do normally in the course of safety, I would do them in the heated course of a gunfight. Man, get it together and don’t teach techniques without telling the whole story of just wanting to just sell another DVD!

    • Ox

      Reply Reply December 6, 2014

      Hey Rick, thanks for your comments! I get all of your points, but they’re ideal and don’t necessarily mesh with reality on the ground.

      1. The slide lock method is faster, but few realize just how much faster. FBI stats show that it takes 2.4-2.7 rounds to stop an attacker. THEORETICALLY, the slide lock method equates to stop one additional attacker in the same amount of time.

      2. LOTS of people carry finicky guns. I don’t like it. You don’t like it. But it’s reality. How many classes do you teach where people come in with fancy, high dollar custom 1911s that have multiple malfunctions during the course of the class? If you’re like me or any instructor I know, this is a regular occurrence.

      3. Weakening the slide lock lever in practice to the point where it breaks just doesn’t happen with a quality gun. I’ve got a Glock 26 that has somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 rounds through it. I have it looked at 2x per year to make sure it doesn’t need replacement parts and it’s still running on original parts. If it’s an issue for your gun, then spend $20 per year and proactively replace it. But that kind of a concern/fear shouldn’t (in my opinion) drive you to use a less effective tactic/technique.

      4. Unless you’re incredibly cool under fire, you’ll bypass conscious thought in a firefight and default to conditioned responses. You simply won’t practice racking the slide thousands of time in practice and then flip into “operator mode” in a gunfight and pull out an “a game” that you haven’t practiced before.

      What you may be missing is that the Concealed Carry Masters Course does teach techniques while telling the whole story. What you saw was a minute and a half out of a 9 hour DVD course that was created by a team of Navy SEALs, a Green Beret, a Force Recon Marine, and a SWAT officer who, on his own, was a door kicker on more than 1,000 dynamic entries. I know these guys, I’ve trained with many of them, and I’ve done force-on-force with/against them. They know their stuff.

      This DVD course fills the gap that most live training just can’t fill. I recommend the course to any instructor who’s serious about their craft and who wants to provide their students the best instruction. Check it out. You’ll thank me for it.

  • Carl

    Reply Reply December 6, 2014

    That looked very effective I was impressed

  • Roland Bacon

    Reply Reply December 6, 2014

    I have review the video several times but I still do not see how the first one is accomplished. Does he pull back on the slide in both cases? If not what is the first one doing?

    • Ox

      Reply Reply December 6, 2014

      Hey Roland,

      Great question. Basically, Beau took his left thumb and pressed down on the slide lock as he was getting his support hand grip on the gun.

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