Category Archives: Dry Fire Cord
Dry Fire Cord Drills
Dry Fire Cord can help you improve your ability to isolate your trigger finger, run the gun as quick as possible without disturbing sight alignment, and find your optimum grip intensity and trigger speed. When people first try Dry Fire Cord, they immediately notice that the trigger doesn’t “break” or reset like a trigger does…
Training -> Armed Teachers & Bob’s Range Report
Just a quick note on a few things today… First, if you wondered what the training packages look like that I’m sending out to teachers, here’s one that I’m sending out this morning… They’re getting 21 Day Alpha Shooter DVDs, Dry Fire Training Cards, Dry Fire Cord kits, and Diagnostic Splatter Targets…just over $1,000 worth…
Trigger Control Dry Fire Drill Video To Improve Trigger Finger Isolation
I had an article awhile back on the blog where I talked about how to improve your trigger control by isolating the movement of your trigger finger. Some things are easier to describe with video than in writing, and, quite frankly, I understand that it was hard for people to believe that it’s possible to…
Winter Indoor Self-Defense Training Tips
I don’t know about where you’re at, but I’m looking out the window at 6″ of fresh snow that I have to go clear. We’ve been switching back and forth between mid 30s and single digits at a head spinning rate. This has driven most shooters’ training indoors. So, today, I’m going to give you a few…
2 Free Dry Fire Drills For The New Year
It has been a crazy last couple of years in the firearms industry… It’s great that more people have guns. And it’s great that more people have concealed carry permits. But in most cases, those classes mainly cover when and where you can legally carry and when you can legally shoot. There may be some…
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