Category Archives: Carbine

Top 5 AR-15 Myths

  Today’s newsletter is sponsored by the Home Defense Rifle AR-15 and Home Defense DVD course.  It’s the only course that dispels the myths of clearing your home, over-penetration with pistols, rifles, and shotguns, and urban legends about home invasions.  In addition, it explains the workings of the AR-15/Modern Sporting Rifle more thoroughly and more clearly…

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5 Lessons from 6 weeks of Attacks

  I was listening to Michael Bane’s podcast on Wednesday about “chumming for monsters” and he brilliantly brought up some of the changes in accepted best practices that have happened over the last few weeks as a result of terrorist attacks.  If you’re not subscribed to his podcast, you can do so by clicking >HERE<…

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Carrying Full Size vs. Compact vs. Sub-Compact

  Awhile back, we talked about 2 incidents in NYC where it took NYPD 84 rounds to stop an attacker. FBI statistics say that it takes an AVERAGE of between 2.4 and 2.9 rounds to stop an attacker, depending on caliber, but that’s 2.4-2.9 HITS. You might not always make good hits in a dynamic…

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Recoil Management For Fast Double Taps

One of the goals that many shooters aspire to is being able to put fast, accurate double-taps on target. Definitions vary, but for most people, that’s getting one sight picture and putting 2 rounds on or incredibly near your point of aim in rapid succession (.1-.2 seconds between shots) without getting a second clear, crisp…

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Countering The Myths of Gun Violence

As I was preparing this article, I realized that a lot of what I wanted to say had already been written…after the Sandy Hook murders, San Bernardino, Southerland Springs, Pulse Nightclub, Charleston, Parkland and others.  They are absolutely horrible, but the only reason why they’re unusual and shocking is because we choose to close our…

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2015 MGM Ironman Stage 5

  We recently sponsored the 2015 MGM Ironman 3-Gun “The Toughest 3-Gun Match On Earth” in Parma, Idaho.  Almost 300 shooters shot 1,200-2,000 rounds of ammo on 10 stages over 3 days…every one of which was timed and scored.  It was an awesome event put on by Travis Gibson from MGM Targets and it was…

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Top 10 Reasons You Should Shoot Competitively

Ox here…we are fast approaching summer and, along with warm weather, this time of year gives us thousands of opportunities across the country to compete in local, regional, and national shooting sports events that can make you a better defensive shooter. Specifically, IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) matches, AGAG (A Girl & A Gun), USPSA…

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