Parrying In A Gunfight? (like a sword)

I’ve got a crazy video for you today of a super-close-range gunfight that erupted as a couple was getting tacos.

The good guy is behind the 8-ball…gun pointed at him while his pistol is still holstered.

As it plays out, they’re SO close that their muzzles actually cross!

**!!Warning!!**  Real Gunfight & blood.


As a friend of mine on FB, Frank Brickey said, “Look like any recent training? No? That sux!”

This is an important kind of shooting that we need to train…close and on-the-move.  3D chess with a gun with loved ones and innocents in almost every direction.

Like a gunfight in a phonebooth.

But you’re not going to be able to train for this at most ranges.

So, the first phase of training for shooting like this is visualization. 

Put yourself into the good guy’s shoes and ask yourself what you’d do the same and what you’d do different.

What if you were in the woman’s position?  What would you do?

The clerk?  Another bystander?

Would it matter if you lived somewhere where the cultural norm was to mug people without shooting them vs. living somewhere where the norm WAS to shoot during robberies?

What would the bad guy have to say to change your behavior?  Would it be different if he said he was going to kill you (not mug you) vs. pleading for money for his wife and baby?

The good guy is hit and doesn’t appear to realize it.  This is common.  Do you ever purposely check yourself for wetness after a course of fire?

What did he do right?

What could he have done better?

Just visualizing isn’t enough.  You actually need to physically go through the skills, because the visual, balance, and hand-eye coordination required to succeed may be different than anything you do in your daily life.

So, what have you done in the last week to train for situations like this?  Do you have a plan for what to do this week to be more prepared?

What if there was a step-by-step at-home course designed specifically to get you ready for situations like this, like 40 yard shots on active shooters, and everything in-between.

What if it was set up with quick (5-15 minute) follow-along videos (like a workout video) that you could do at home with dry fire, starting today?

There is.  And it costs way less than courses that cover 1/3 as much.

I’ve got a video presentation that will tell you all about it >HERE< and I encourage you to check it out now.


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  • rod vanzeller

    Reply Reply September 12, 2023

    Training for these situations is the opposite of most training,
    point shoot with one hand, death grip on the gun, jerk the trigger, slap the trigger guard with the back of the finger to insure trigger reset.
    Fairbairn book “shooting to live” published decades ago explains step by step how to train for real life shootings, including vertical up tracking.

    • Ox

      Reply Reply September 14, 2023

      We owe a lot to Fairbairn, but his training is not the correct approach for most people.

      There are several reasons, but one of them is that the nubs that passed for “sights” in Fairbairn’s age sucked. They bear no resemblace to the sights we have today…and they were barely better than not aiming (sometimes worse) because of how small they were. We could make the same conclusions today that Fairbairn did IF we were using guns with the same sights, but we aren’t, so we have the opportunity to shoot much, much better using shooting and training methods that build on Fairbairn’s work and wisdom, but take advantage of modern advancements.

  • James

    Reply Reply May 28, 2023

    Very few people train to draw and fire while the weapon is at the holster level meaning you don’t have to do an isosceles stance in order to fire your weapon in self-defense.

    Many of us practice drawing the weapon clearing the holster and shooting as immediately as humanly possible hopefully less than one second. My weapon is always right where my hand is so I don’t have to search I don’t have a delay of one second to go for my weapon and grab it it’s already shooting after 3/4 of a second. But I have been carrying professionally for more than 49 years every day and for many hours daily often in excess of 24 hour runs.

    Those that practice drawing and shooting from the waist or wherever their holster is are far more capable of getting in the first couple of shots. That first shot whoever shoots first has the advantage at that point because the body goes in the shock if someone takes around no matter what. It will slow you down even if you don’t realize you’re hit I’ve been hit before and didn’t know I was hit. But the end result I came out on top. Lots of lots of practice

  • Chris Getty

    Reply Reply May 20, 2023

    This kind of video is so very helpful to those of us who are trying to get our CCL. The good guy put too much stock in his cell phone but was wise enough to get the bad guy’s gun out of reach. Sharing these videos with us is priceless. Please don’t stop. Thank you.

  • Russ

    Reply Reply May 19, 2023

    This is a phone addicted guy, he would never be without it, he risked it all to get it back into his hands; he’s trained alright, just like the rest of the “Sheeple”.

  • D.W. Drang

    Reply Reply August 20, 2022

    Where did this happen? I was just writing up my review of MAG-80 and Mas could have used this as an intro to the retention portion!

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