Why Combat Accurate Training Doesn’t Work (Except When It Does)

I got a very interesting email the other day saying that trying to shoot accurately with a pistol is a waste of time for a serious shooter.  The email said that it’s fine for a competition shooter, but not for someone who may use a pistol to stop a violent threat. The justification was that…

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Avoiding Splatter Target Training Scars…

Most shooters don’t know that there’s a right way and a wrong way to use splatter targets. As a result, most people use them incorrectly. Do it wrong and it’s like riding the brakes on your car and it usually throws your shot off. Do it right and it’s great training for your brain. The…

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Thanksgiving Gun Control Conversation Survival Tips for EGRs…

The wife of one of our pastors had a term for people who needed a little extra grace–she called them EGRs (pronounced Eggars) and it stands for Extra Grace Required. You may have some EGRs in your family who go off on the insanity of gun owners this weekend. And I want to give you…

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Happy Birthday, US Marine Corps!

The few, the proud, the Marines… Today, the US Marine Corps turns 249 years old. One of their early actions has provided much of the rich history of the Corps and it’s a story I love talking about. Up until 1801, the Berber Muslims were extorting the US…forcing us to pay a tax or have our…

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300 AAC Blackout 208 gr Subsonic A-Max and Silverback

I’m a HUGE fan of .300 blk and have been shooting it since 2012. A lot of people don’t understand the allure of the .300 blk, and some think it’s ridiculous. That’s fine, but let me SHOW you why I like .300blk subsonic so much and then I’ll give you some quick background on the…

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Church Security After Texas Shooting

This morning, people across the country have a mix of sadness and anger after the senseless mass murder at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs. Sadness at the loss of life. And anger that the shooter was able to hurt and kill as many people as he did before someone stopped him. I’m asking…

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This “Inner Ear” Trick Will Help You Shoot Faster

How Do Visual and Vestibular Resets Help You Shoot Faster? One of the questions that I’ve gotten about our Brain Based Diagnostic Pistol Target is what a visual and vestibular reset is and why does it matter? In short, most people don’t realize it, but you’ve got a visual aiming system and a vestibular (inner…

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Fixing Horizontal Stringing On Pistol Groups

When I’m working with a single shooter on a live fire range, I spend most of my time assessing the shooter…not looking at their target.  I look at what they’re doing, how they’re doing it, and figuring out the 1-2 highest leverage opportunities for improvement. But when I’m working with multiple shooters at the same…

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Could Wyatt Earp Could Have Made Faster Hits With This?

There have been several gunfighting quotes about Wyatt Earp going around for the last few months.  If you haven’t seen them, you need to: “When I say that I learned to take my time in a gunfight, I do not wish to be misunderstood, for the time to be taken was only that split fraction…

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How Sleep Spindles Can Help You Shoot Better…Overnight!

Everybody knows that sleep is important for staying healthy, keeping a clear head, and performing at your peak. But did you know that something called “sleep spindles” can slash the time that it takes to improve as a shooter? And literally help you sleep your way to success? I bet you can remember a time…

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