1 Hole Challenge

What kind of performance is possible with dry fire only training? A few years ago, I took the winter off of live fire practice and only did our Dry Fire Training Cards drills for 10-15 minutes per day for 6 months. I shot a few monthly competitions (4?), a few (4?) timed fun shoots, and…

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Join me for Scenario Based Training in AZ! *Time Sensitive*

Several years ago, I noticed a pattern in how I responded in high stress situations. No matter how good my training and skills were, the first time I had to use those skills in a high stress situation, my performance was WAY worse than I wished it had been. It happened in sports, driving, fighting,…

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Ancient Christmas Bugout Wisdom

The core of it comes from an article written back in 2010 called “Mary and Joseph’s 90 Mile Bugout” that we have added to over the years.  Even though it is light hearted, and a lot of the details are highly contestable (and probably not 100% known) there are some great lessons, so enjoy and…

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How a charging moose made me change what I carry…

I did a podcast interview a couple of weeks ago with Jeff Anderson from Modern Combat And Survival Magazine. You can click >HERE< to hear the podcast: I was staying at Jeff’s a few months ago and he was fascinated with how I loaded my Glock magazines and wanted to share it with his listeners.…

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More Proof That You’re On Your Own When Seconds Count

We all know in our guts that when seconds count, police are only minutes away. But the last couple of months have shifted the burden of protection so far out of whack that it’s hard to believe. As an example, awhile back, former Seattle Police Chief, Carmen Best told local businesses that police would no…

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Get Off The X: Shoot on the move or get to cover first?

In a fight for your life where bullets are going in both directions, movement can be the difference in who goes home and who doesn’t. But, there’s a continual debate about whether you should try to shoot on the move or move to cover AND THEN shoot. So, which is right?  Which should you do?…

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Church & Synagogue Security After Pittsburgh Shooting

Today, people across the country have a mix of sadness and anger after the senseless mass murder at the Tree Of Life Congregation Synagogue in Pittsburgh PA. Sadness at the loss of life. And anger that the shooter was able to hurt and kill as many people as he did before someone stopped him…(Some reports…

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Could “buffalo sauce” mean the difference between life and death in a home invasion?

Billy was sitting on his couch in his sweats, watching a game he’d DVRd and eating some buffalo chicken wings when he heard a crash at the front door. Someone had broken the window next to his door and they were reaching in, grasping for the deadbolt. Realizing that his chicken wings were a relatively…

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A cautionary tale from South Africa that you need to hear…

I want to share a story with you from a friend of mine from South Africa. I can’t disclose his real name, but let’s call him “John.” John and his wife, Mary, are in their 50s.  Mary’s a nurse and John works in an office.  They live in a nice middle class neighborhood, go to…

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3 Vital Skills For Carbine, Hunting, & Precision Rifle

Missing what you’re shooting at sucks.  It’s embarrassing.  But it’s amazingly common for shooters to completely miss elk, deer, and paper targets with rifle inside of 100 yards…even with optics and scopes. Whether you’re a novice or an expert, I’ve got 3 simple, easy drills that you can do to dramatically increase your speed and…

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