Best Dry Fire Training For Hotels, Timeshares, AirBnBs, & VRBOs

I get asked all the time about what and how I train when I’m traveling.

Paper targets are a pain…and housekeeping can get a little freaked out.

Shooting Marrikesh post-it notes used to be my standby, and they worked for years, but I always wanted something better.

Then, a few years ago, working with the 1st Sergeant of an elite military training unit led to the creation of PopUp Targets.  They needed a dry fire target that they could use in the classroom, on the range, be self standing, able to be weighted down, and it needed to be able to stuff down small enough to fit in a pocket or range bag.

It just so happens that they’re the ideal solution for training on the road, as I demonstrate here:

Now, here’s the gear I’m using in the video:

PopUp Targets  << Comes with 50+ drills!  (Check out the NEW 3-pack and 5-pack pricing for serious shooters and instructors!)

SIRT Dry Fire Pistol

SwitchedOn App

When you’re doing dry fire training anywhere, but particularly on the road, I do NOT recommend using a platform that is currently capable of firing live rounds.

With an AR, you can remove the bolt.

With a pistol, you can use a laser trainer, unloaded airsoft/paintball trainer, replacement training barrel or a chamber block like Dry Fire Cord that won’t allow a live round to be chambered and gives you a visual indicator (or two) that the chamber is blocked.  I don’t recommend snap caps for dry fire training with semi-auto pistols, but I do recommend them for training with revolvers.

Regardless of whether or not you have PopUp Targets yet, you’re going to want to check out the NEW pricing on 5-Packs by going >HERE< now.



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