Backpeddling as a self-defense skill

One of the things that I’ve heard more times than I can count is to never back up when you’re shooting because you’ll catch your heel and trip & fall.

Back in the dark ages when the majority of firearms training was done with nearly 100% live fire, that made sense.  You don’t want people just learning how to safely handle a firearm to do movements they don’t normally do with a loaded firearm and potentially hurt themselves or others.

Fortunately, gun training is changing and instructors are doing smarter training than ever before.  One of the ways they’re doing that is by doing a lot of training with dry fire.

When you train with dry fire or less-lethal rounds like airsoft, paintball, or sims and appropriate safety gear, it suddenly makes sense to move backwards while shooting.

But why is it important?

Moving backwards quickly directly away from a threat is a hardwired response…or a series of hardwired responses.  We want to get away and we want to look at what’s trying to hurt us.

So, we’re probably going to do it in an immediate threat situation.  Like this:

Now, ideally, we’d do like a defensive back and use the backpedal to transition to a sidestep and then running in the direction we want to get off the line of attack and hopefully behind concealment, like this:


This is an awesome demonstration of a skill we teach in the Praxis Dynamic Gunfight Training…converting an ineffective backpedal into constructive movement off the line of attack and quickly getting effective rounds on target.

Backpedaling is a skill used by elite football, baseball, soccer, and other ball-sport athletes…and it’s a skill that you may very well be tested on if you find yourself in a self-defense situation.

So, when’s the best time to learn and practice it?

In a calm, low-stress training situation where you get to control the speed?


In a life and death situation where you’ll be trying to move fast enough to save yourself.

I’d argue that now is the time.  And regardless of your current mobility, you’re going to have a “top speed” that you can move at safely and comfortably.  You want to find those limits of speed and mobility and practice within them, make them automatic, and be able to know the speed that you can safely move backwards and how quickly you can transition to moving off of the line of attack.

How do you build the skill?

You could use brute force, high volume training, but you probably don’t have the time for that.

There are a LOT of shortcuts that we can “steal” from my fellow neuro-trainers who work with pro ball-sport athletes where the skill of backpedaling and transitioning can make or break a multi-million dollar contract.

And that’s why I developed the Praxis Dynamic Gunfight Training…it’s a step-by-step at-home training program that helps you build more real-world skills in less time (and for less money) than what’s possible with traditional training.

I’ve got an encore presentation that will tell you all about Praxis tonight that you can sign up for >HERE<  It’s free, but seats are limited and going quick because of people urgently wanting high quality concealed carry training in light of recent events and all of the bad economic news.

Sign up now by clicking >HERE<  Make sure to watch to the end to see the bonuses you can get when you start the training this week.


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