Here’s another quick training tip from the Draw Stroke Mastery system that will help you make faster, more precise first shots from the holster without having to spend thousands on ammo and range fees.
You see, when you combine more efficient technique with more effective training methods, it doesn’t take as much time or money to achieve or maintain high level, life saving skills.
Minimizing excess wrist movement is a great example…
(We released this training to the public awhile back and you can find out more about it immediately by clicking >HERE<)
Who would have thought that something as small as how much you bend your wrist could have such a big impact on how much time you need to train?
Here’s a good rule of thumb…you want your bigger joints to rotate more than your smaller joints. Your shoulder should rotate more than your elbow and your elbow should rotate more than your wrist. So, if you want to rock the gun from the holster to your intended target, just use your shoulder instead of your wrist.
What about retention shooting?
There’s a couple of answers to that…
First off, going straight to your gun isn’t always the best answer. Sometimes a punch to the throat can help you create the time and distance you need to do a full draw stroke & presentation.
The perceived need to always go to your gun may be an indication that you’ve got some low hanging opportunities for improvement in the areas of situational awareness and empty-hands skills.
BUT, there are definitely situations where you may be tied up with an attacker…standing or on the ground…and need to do retention shooting, which leads us to #2.
Second, some people think that we should have one draw stroke technique that works for every situation. There may be some validity to that, but what if we applied that same thinking to malfunctions?
Think about a hard malfunction like a double feed where you tap, rack, assess/press, rip, rack, rack, rack, reload, rack, assess/press. Why don’t we also use that same technique when we have a soft malfunction where the gun goes click instead of bang? Or when the slide doesn’t lock back on an empty chamber?
The reason we have multiple techniques for different malfunctions is because it is pretty common to encounter a soft malfunction and the solution is quick. Hard malfunctions are relatively rare but fixing them takes much longer. It’s not worth doing a hard malfunction drill every time we have a malfunction because it adds extra time the majority of the time.
Same with the draw and presentation. In an ideal world, we’d have one technique that worked equally well for all situations…but we live in reality. The vast majority of the time, you can create the time and space necessary to safely get your pistol to a low-ready position, if not at full extension…and our technique should reflect that by being optimized for shooting from anywhere between low-ready and full-extension. That doesn’t mean that we should necessarily ignore retention shooting, but there’s very little benefit in incorporating a retention shooting position into every single rep we do.
So…do you want to shoot faster and more accurately from the holster?
WAY faster and more accurately?
Then you should check out Draw Stroke Mastery. It is, by far, the most powerful training available to put fast, accurate first hits on target with minimal practice time using cutting edge training techniques.
Learn more now by clicking >HERE<
Questions? Comments? Fire away by commenting below:
Rodney Smith
May 7, 2023Looking forward to it.
May 7, 2023It’s out…you can get it now.
Loren Perlan
April 23, 2022Thanks for all of the great training.
Thomas Searing
April 23, 2022Good tip !
William Carter Jr
April 5, 2021Does this also apply to revolvers in an open carry holster worn cowboy style?
April 9, 2021Mr. Earp would say no.
March 31, 2021Looking forward to it
March 31, 2021It’s released and you can get it now at
Wendi Deskus
September 4, 2019Wanting priority, thanks for the knowledge , instructions, Great tips
Billy Rodgers
September 3, 2019Looking forward to the release of the training.
Kevin B Withrow
September 3, 2019Always seeking to further my technique.
C B Damm
September 3, 2019Looking forward to this information
stephen arrington
September 3, 2019pleasure to learn
Christopher Harrington
September 3, 2019Hello,
I would like to know and have more knowledge and information to assist me to continually get better so I can pass it on my students.
John Shriver
September 9, 2018Looking forward to new material
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