I want to give you instant access to a valuable PDF with 3 drills you can do with or without a pistol that will give you tighter, faster groups the next time you go to the range.
You’ll learn how to fix low-left groups, shoot better with both eyes open (even with cross-eye dominance) and make your sights come into immediate, automatic alignment with the target each time you draw.

What Do You Want To Learn Today?
- Advanced Pistol Drills & Performance Neurology (98)
- Brain Based Pistol Training (213)
- Carbine (27)
- Dry Fire Cord (15)
- Fight To Your Gun, Empty Hands, and integrated training (15)
- Fixing Low-Left Groups, Flinch, etc. (22)
- School, Church, & Hospital Security, training, & Attacks (14)
- Security & Self Defense (5)
- Situational Awareness (12)
- Sub-second Draw Stroke (22)
- Survival & Preparedness (9)
- Tactical Vision Training (25)
- Uncategorized (146)
Recent Articles
- The Crazy Connection between Flinch and Balance
- Cross-dominant shooting with shotguns, rifles, and archery
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- How a 47 year old “American Rifleman” ad can help us today…
- Myth of Bindon or Occluded Aiming
- Distance shots with a red dot on a subcompact
- Dan Bongino shares a “fight to your gun” video
- Why ‘eye dominance’ is critical for pistol success
- Pear Pie & why the ‘shape of your pistol groups’ matters
- Shooting Incidents Where Good Guys With Pistols Took Out Bad Guys With Rifles and Carbines
- How to improve pistol accuracy IMMEDIATELY!
- 39 aspects of vision for shooting that go beyond 20/20, readers, and astigmatism.
- Why “Natural Point Of Aim” Doesn’t Work For Self-Defense
- Meth-head at the stop-n-rob…what happens next?
- Is it Bad to Dry Fire a Gun? Exploring Pros and Cons
- My weekend with 600+ Women Shooters and why they’re the future of shooting
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- Lessons from “The Shot That Failed”
- Staying on Your Feet During A Fight
- What’s The FBI Says About Citizens Stopping Active Shooters?…Ugh.
- How To Use Electronic Laser Targets
- Myth of the 10,000 Rule For Shooters (Thank goodness!)
- 3 problems with Bulletproof Backpacks
Most Recent Comments
- Cross-dominant shooting with shotguns, rifles, and archery — Dry Fire Training Cards Blog on THIS is the quickest thing you can do to shoot better…but you shouldn’t do it.
- rod vanzeller on Dueling As An Olympic Sport…Again? (Crazy story)
- Ox on When Can I Draw My Gun
- Ox on Dry Fire Cord Glock Trigger Mod & Chamber Block (9, 40, 45, 10, 380!)
- Grouchy Old Goat on Why snap caps suck for dry fire practice…
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