I recently bought something kind of odd. It’s a 47 year old magazine ad from American Rifleman!
And there is a super-important lesson in this ad that we can learn from today:
Pretty cool, isn’t it?
Pistol mounted optics have definitely come a long way, but it’s humbling to know that we can simultaneously be on the cutting edge AND pick up lessons that people figured out almost 50 years ago.
If you don’t have the book yet, I would suggest getting it at RedDotMastery.com regardless of whether you have a pistol mounted optic or ever even want one. The reason why is because the book focuses on things that are further upstream than techniques that only apply to red dots. What you’ll learn will help you be better with ANY pistol, carbine, shotgun, or long range precision rifle you pick up. Sometimes dramatically better.
Whether you have the book or not, I want to invite you to join me for the LIVE! online, interactive Red Dot Mastery class THIS week. You’ll get instant access to the recording from Monday’s class, and you can join us live tonight and tomorrow night. In addition, you’ll get to re-attend the class again this year for free! (and can/should qualify for training credits if you’re LE).
You can check out the details by clicking >HERE<
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