Distract, get off-the-x, draw from IWB concealment, AND put 2 hits on target in less than a second

This is going to be fun…

Making a hit on target in under a second is a great goal.  It’s relatively useless in a gunfight on it’s own, but the smoothness, efficiency, and confidence that you build in the quest for a sub-second draw is INCREDIBLY valuable.

Making 2 hits on target in under a second from concealment seems like an impossible goal.

Adding in a distraction and sprinting at the same time and it’s almost laughable.

But I’m going to show you how to make it happen in this video:

So, a few big points…

  1. Using what’s in your hands as a distraction (or even weaponizing it) can save your life and create the time and space needed to get your gun into the fight.
  2. Getting off the X can save your life if the attack goes to where you were.  In this case, within about .30 seconds of my first movement, I had moved one body width to the side.  The amount of time that it takes a human to react to SIMPLE visual input and press the trigger in a low stress situation is about .30.
  3. In a gunfight, if you can sneakily / surreptitiously get your grip on your gun, it’ll cut your response time in half, regardless of how slow or out of shape you may be.
  4. If training for a competition or qualifier, doing a significant number of draw stroke reps starting with your hand gripping the pistol can help you build more skill in less time.

The value of a smooth, efficient, and consistent draw stroke is ridiculously important if you get to the point where you decide you need to draw your gun.

The smoother, faster, and more confidently you can present your firearm, the more likely it is that you’ll convince your attacker to stop their attack.

The flip side is that the more you fumble, the more confidence you will give your attacker.

How do you measure smoothness, efficiency, and consistency?

The easiest way is with speed and accuracy.

To be blunt, the main reason to work on getting a sub-second draw stroke isn’t for a number on a timer.  It’s for the smoothness, efficiency, and consistency.

Speed is a critical part of this.  In a high stress shooting situation, there’s a good chance you’ll be moving quickly.  If you’ve only drawn and presented slowly in practice, you’re going to have to figure out how to do it quickly on the fly.

That doesn’t normally work out so well.

Yes, you want to start with the whole slow and smooth kind of technique, but you want to progress to FAST and smooth as quickly as you can…over-shoot your ability, find your performance envelope, and then train at the high end of your performance envelope.

If you want the most advanced draw stroke training available today, you’re going to want to check out my sub-second draw stroke training…Draw Stroke MasteryIt’s the training that’s been used by top instructors to shave big chunks of time off of their beep-to-bang times when 1000s of rounds per month couldn’t get the job done.


consider joining me for my upcoming live online training group (starting next week) where I’ll share the latest breakthroughs in unlocking the speed you didn’t know you had…we’re talking cutting edge brain science, nootropics, sleep as a weapon, and more.  People who have gone through my other live online training programs have found them to be incredibly impactful…not only for shooting but for every area of their lives.

In fact, when I asked the current Praxis Live Coaching group what they wanted to do next, “Faster Draw Stroke” training was an almost unanimous answer.

Because the training is delivered in the way that the brain learns best, you’ll get WAY more out of the training than you would a traditional live, in-person training…and you have the bonus of saving on airfare, hotels, rental car, and more!

We’ll do drills together, live, on-screen, so you can get immediate feedback (if you want) and make faster & easier gains in speed & accuracy.

Seats are limited for the live training and people who have signed up for Draw Stroke Mastery will get a discount AND first shot at it…so sign up now for Draw Stroke Mastery by clicking >HERE<

Want more info on the live training?  Comment below or reply back to the email that sent you here and I’ll put you on the priority notification list.

Questions?  Comments?  Fire Away by commenting below!

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1 Comment

  • Anthony G. Noel

    Reply Reply July 19, 2023

    I love the dialogue. Ox,your teaching is amazing. I also love the self-aiming targets,now if we can get the gun to self-sight picture,self-sight alignment,self-trigger squeeze to the rear,then we got something going on. ….ooops,I guess it’s all on me.😀👍🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲 Thanks for the education,Ox.

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