Attention: Your order is being processed. Please read below to learn how to get your FREE deck of our best selling Urban Survival Playing Cards.
We Want To GIVE You A Deck of Our Best Selling Urban Survival Playing Cards For FREE!
Plus, we want you to have 5 of our best selling survival and preparedness books along with an additional 5 valuable bonuses for FREE!
Why would anyone in their right mind give away hundreds of dollars
worth of information and training for free?
One of the toughest challenges in being a forward-thinking, well-prepared American is finding others who share that belief and passion.
Even harder is the fact that I want to be prepared without preparedness taking over my life.
Over the last decade, I've been doing everything I can to share hard-to-find information and tactics gathered over two decades of research, investigation, personal experience, and collaboration with experts in numerous fields.
I have a background in competitive shooting, MMA, high end firearms training, guided hundreds of clients on week-long high altitude backpacking trips, have done security for principals with active death threats, disaster first responder work, and I've never been content with writing and selling “book reports” on tactical and preparedness topics.
Our team writes with the understanding that our family’s, friends’, customers’, and clients’ lives may depend on the quality of the products and information that we find, use, and share. Heck, our lives have depended on the quality of information that we know and write about, so it’s important to us that we get it right.
As a result, we’ve continually sought out the apex of tactical and preparedness instructors, courses, skills, and information, and it’s been our goal to share this information with as many people as possible.
That’s why we're able to bring you something special today-an elite community for people who want the hard-hitting truth about what it takes to survive in any situation and thrive in the meantime. Our new “Tactics and Preparedness” community is for those who want the latest, most cutting-edge information directly from the top—the apex.
This is highly sought out information from former and active Special Forces, SEALs, MARSOC, AFSOC, and the high-speed advisers that the Pentagon and the think tanks “across the river” turn to for answers, as well as financial gurus and experts in homesteading, off-grid living, natural medicine, peak performance, self-reliance and community building.
Our relentless pursuit of cutting edge information in tactics is chronicled in the monthly “Journal of Tactics and Preparedness”.
But this isn’t like any other journal or newsletter you’ve ever seen before.
Urban & Wilderness Survival Tips: The best ways to survive, including escape and evasion techniques, tracking strategies, and little-known-ways to use mother nature to your advantage. This will be a combination of basic and advanced skills, but it will always be the apex of information available for a particular skill set.
Weaponless Self Defense: Chances are you have at least one gun—but you may not always be able to deploy it when you need it. Learn empty-handed combat techniques that can do as much damage at close range as shooting. No weapon, gun, belts, and NO MAGIC PIXIE DUST REQUIRED. To be clear, I’m not talking about a list of magic bullet strikes or using chi/qi or other energy, but the physics and physiology behind specific strikes that make the difference between getting the job done and simply enraging your attacker. When you truly understand the basis of why particular targets on the human body are effective, your mind becomes much more efficient at identifying them as opportunities in high stress situations.
Dry Fire Training Techniques: To achieve master level shooting ability, you have to develop high quality neural pathways (muscle memory). You’ll learn the latest and best techniques that world-class shooters use to improve their skills as quickly and inexpensively as possible. Our book, “Tactical Firearms Training Secrets” and Dry Fire Training Cards are incredibly powerful, but just scratch the surface and We’ll be bringing you some of the best minds in firearms training today—most of whom you’ve never heard of because they’re not marketers…They’re the guys who go down range and get the job done, or who spend all of their time teaching Tier 1 clients and select civilians.
High-Yield, Low-Effort Food Production: How to create high-density, high-yield gardens that also have very low visibility. Long-term survival is about resilient and self-reliant communities, which includes being able to feed yourself and key people around you. The more food you’re able to produce or harvest yourself, the less you need to store, the less you need to depend on transported food, and the more you’ll be able to help others long term. The emphasis is on strategies and techniques that you can start using quickly that are compatible with today’s hectic and fast paced lives…not strategies and techniques that will take over your life.
Situational Awareness and Profiling Tips: Reading people and situations is one of the highest leverage skills that you can master. It helps you identify potential threats in your environment, gives you advanced warning of danger, helps you detect lying and inconsistencies, will help you with negotiating, and will also train your brain to spot hidden opportunities in your environment. You’ll learn the very same processes used by law enforcement, special operations personnel, executive protection specialists, and intelligence agents to quickly profile people and uncover their intention without it consuming your every thought.
Current Threats To Our Society: This is up-to-the-minute open source intelligence gleaned from translated articles taken from terrorist websites that discusses what terrorist networks are telling their sleeper agents throughout America to get ready to do right now. This information will allow you to know what to look out for and will be able to identify and react faster if one of these attacks happens and seconds count. It will also include interviews with current and former RED CELL (high level war gaming) members who have decades of first hand knowledge of our current threat matrix.
Community Building: As we’ve repeatedly said, resilient and self-reliant communities are the core to long term survival. You’ll learn strategies and techniques for discretely or overtly building neighborhoods and communities that don’t just survive, but are resilient in meeting any threat they face.
Body, Brain, and System Hacks: A “hack” is the process of using something to get a result that’s different than what was originally intended or traditionally expected. If you’re familiar with body and system hacking, you probably recognize that my writing is FULL of them. Hacks are the secret sauce that allow people who don’t have exceptional abilities to achieve exceptional results. Think “Jason Borne”
Product, course, and book reviews: We're also going to include book, course, and product reviews. Most of our authors are voracious readers and testers. When we are testing products, we tend to buy as many as 5-10 different kinds so that we can separate the jewels from the junk and know which ones to trust my life to. You can either benefit from our testing directly or use it as a jumping off point for your own testing.
Whether it’s techniques for instantly dropping your heart rate 10-15 BPM, using a drain pipe from a kitchen sink to build an “invisible” fire in the woods, cooking with your satellite dish or big screen TV, holding a week’s worth of food in your pocket, or any of a hundred other crazy hacks that We’ve found or developed over the years, We’ll share them with you so that you can get the most leverage out of the time, money, skills, and ability that you have.
You might be wondering how we are continually able to get access to this level of information?
As one active duty Special Forces Colonel recently told me...
“You’re more connected than a Wall Street lawyer.”
-Unnamed Special Forces Colonel
I'm not a big fan of Wall Street lawyers in general, but the fact is that I have been continually blessed with exposure to an incredible number of high achievers and make it a point to surround myself with people who are pushing the envelopes in their given fields. Some of them will let me use their names when sharing with you…others who are still operational or who just like their privacy won’t…but they are all excited about sharing their “secret sauce” with my readers.
In short, as a member of Tactics and Preparedness, you’ll learn immediate, practical, common sense tips and techniques to prepare you and your family faster, easier, and much more effectively than you ever imagined…and, as with every book and product We’ve created, it’s designed to give you immediate value and improve your quality of life regardless of whether or not disasters actually happen to you.
Now Lets Talk About Your
FREE Gift And Bonuses!
These aren't simply playing cards...they're a powerful survival tool for you and your loved ones to use if you need to survive in an urban area.
They include 52 insider secrets from the $47 Urban Survival Course, and cover operational security, psychology, field expedient medicine, basic survival skills, field tested tactical skills to help you not only survive, but thrive after disasters and breakdowns in civil order in urban areas.
Their small size (poker size) and light weight (3 ounces) makes them portable so that you can have them with you all the time to use as flashcards to hardwire essential survival skills into your brain.
These cards strike a perfect balance between the amount of information on each card and having a large enough text to actually be readable, so you'll be able to read them when you need the information most.
Pull this deck of cards out at your next poker night and see where the conversation goes!
Most importantly, if/when disaster strikes, you'll have your Urban Survival Playing Cards to refer to with many of the most important lessons form the course.
Urban Survival Playing Cards
First is the highly acclaimed book, “Tactical Firearms Training Secrets.” 20,000 military, law enforcement, competitive, and defensive shooters have gone before you and given it an average of 4.5 out of 5 stars. It’s not dogmatic and won’t replace any training that you already have. In fact, it’s like a turbo charger or a magnifying glass–the more training and trigger time you have, the more it will accelerate your shooting ability.
Even if you’re not a shooter, the section on how to properly use mental imagery to accelerate the learning process will change how you learn and retain skills for the rest of your life.
It goes into detail on the best proven ways to use dry fire training, airsoft training, slow training, and mental imagery to develop neural pathways, as well as the psychology and physiology behind them. Normally $17.00 + S&H on Amazon, but when you become a member of Tactics and Preparedness today, you’ll get FREE instant access. If you’re a fan of Top Shot, you’ll recognize Dustin Ellermann, winner of Season 3, on the cover. He liked it so much that he agreed to demonstrate the skills throughout.
Calling 911 is the best option, but if you sleep separated from your children or think you might ever find yourself in a situation where calling the police is not an option, you need to know how to clear your house with a firearm. You’ll learn tactics used by military door kickers and some of the country’s best SWAT teams.-
This skill is so important during situations where 911 is overwhelmed that I’m going to give you instant access so you can start learning and practicing the techniques immediately.
This is the only book of it’s kind that goes over bartering and negotiating tactics proven effective by missionaries and government contractors who have gone “native” in unstable 3rd world countries.-
Also includes numerous “dirty” negotiating techniques that you MUST be able to identify to keep from getting screwed over in a disaster. Includes a 1/2 hour interview with James Camp, the formerly -Classified- brains behind the FBI Hostage/Crisis Negotiating Course and Manual.
You’ll get INSTANT value from this book by using the tactics at gun shows, swap meets, and other situations where bartering is not only normal, but expected.
If you ever find yourself in a situation where civil order has collapsed, what you get when you barter won’t be based on what’s fair, it will be based on your bartering skills. This book will protect you from crooked merchants and give you an unfair advantage in every bartering, selling, and negotiating transaction you do.
–Normally $17 on Amazon, you get FREE instant access when you sign up for Tactics and Preparedness!
This book covers MANY proven yet unorthodox methods of capturing, storing, and treating water in an urban environment, with an emphasis on removing urban contaminants and operational security.
People who think they can use a simple hiking filter for city water that is full of pesticides, herbicides, tar, salts, oil, and other runoff will have a very rude awakening when they find out too late that urban water purification is different. You’ll learn how to make almost any water pure and clean to drink with the least cost, effort, and fuel.
–Normally $17 on Amazon, you get FREE instant access when you sign up for Tactics and Preparedness!
In addition to covering the basics, we also cover many of the identity management, counter surveillance, and counter hacking skills that our overseas agents use to keep from being “made” while operating in hostile nations.
This book was a work of passion from David Morris that came both from years of being on both sides of hacking and social engineering, as well as having had his identity stolen and, in depth interviews with his friends who have worked in various clandestine services.
It not only covers the high value steps that you can take to minimize your vulnerability to identity theft, but ways that you can accomplish it without looking like you’re trying to be secretive. This book is not available on it’s own at any price.
As a special bonus, I’m also going to include an interview with Mike Hughes, Runner Up on Season 3 of the History Channel TV Series, “Top Shot”, founder of Next Level Training, and creator of the SIRT and a special discount code you can use if you decide you want one–this discount, on it’s own, could pay for this entire package!.
Bonus #6: In depth case studies, presentations,
and calls with industry experts.
Several times per year, We’ll take questions directly from you and have them answered live by industry experts who live anonymous lives in the dark or who are such big names that they’re normally only accessible to major TV and radio personalities…if they’re available at all. These will be available to my general audience at $27-$47 apiece, but as a Tactics and Preparedness member, you’ll get access to the recordings of these calls and sometimes even the live interview. You’ll get immediate access to 4 of these from Retired Navy SEAL, Larry Yatch in a few minutes after you set up your login.
Bonus #7: Priority access to us.
In addition to consulting, creating new products, managing day-to-day operations of the business, and getting our families more and more self-reliant, we receive hundreds of emails per day and we can only answer a tiny fraction of them. Tactics and Preparedness members will receive priority email access. This isn’t a blank check to get unlimited consulting for free but we are especially happy to answer questions from like minded people who are making forward progress—especially when the answers will benefit other readers.
Bonus #8: Member’s only discounts and early
access to future products.
You’ll also be able to take advantage of our relationships and negotiated agreements with major vendors and training schools that could save you hundreds of dollars at a time on things you were already planning on spending money on!
Bonus #9: Over 400 past articles from the
Journal of Tactics and Preparedness!
This means that you’ll not only get fresh, cutting edge, new information every month but no matter which of the topics interested you the most, you’ll get immediate access to more than 100 past articles from authors Green Beret, SEAL, Force Recon authors, as well as experts you've probably seen on TV like John Poole and Kevin Freeman.
This is special, limited time pricing and it’s important to understand that the regular monthly price is $27 per month.
We're Offering This Membership
For Nearly 60% Off
Click the button bellow to claim your Tactics and Preparedness membership now and get your FREE deck of Urban Survival Playing Cards, along with your 9 other Free gifts!
The bonuses alone should make this a no-brainer for you. This is one of those offers that you really can’t afford to pass up. These cutting edge tactics and potentially life saving information costs about as much as a burger and fries at the drive through.
This is a special, limited time only, pricing and it’s important to understand that the regular monthly price is $27 per month.
We think you can agree that even at that price it’s a steal. Actionable intelligence like this doesn’t come cheap, and we’ve paid $97-$497.00 per month in the past for newsletters that only covered a single one of the topics that you’ll get in Tactics and Preparedness.
There are half a dozen other newsletters out there around $20-$50/month that are mostly recycling the same old content and deliver only a TINY fraction of the quality that you’ll get from us in Tactics and Preparedness. And even the best of the newsstand magazines can’t touch the depth and breadth of what’s included with Tactics and Preparedness because they have to appeal to a broader audience than we do.
We only have to write for people like you who are interested in the highest of the high speed, high leverage techniques and products for tactical and preparedness situations. People like you who appreciate and seek out the apex of field tested products, skills, and intel.
At Only $11 a month, this membership will guarantee you access to life-saving tips, tricks, hacks and techniques that have been proven in real world situations.

Our 100% Money Back Guarantee
If you aren’t happy with your membership for any reason, simply drop us a note and you won’t be billed again. It’s as simple as that. In addition, you’ll be able to keep ANY issues and bonuses that you already have.
If you’re serious about your family’s ability to survive any disaster, click on the button below.
You’ll be glad you did. This is about peace of mind, knowing that you and your family are well protected.
Sounds good, right?
Click on the button below, and get your Tactics and Preparedness membership PLUS your deck of Urban Survival Playing Cards and all of your free bonuses before the special introductory rate expires and we raise the rate…
Rest assured knowing that you will be able to provide for your family no matter what happens.
To Your Survival,
David Morris and "Ox"
P.S. This offer is truly a limited time chance for you to get it at this low price with the free bonuses. Once we start offering this to others, (possibly as soon as next Monday) this page will be pulled down and you’ll be forced to pay the full price of $27 per month.
Claim Your Tactics and Preparedness
Membership Right Now
YES, I want in! Sign me up to become a member of Tactics and Preparedness so I will receive instant online access to the past, current and future issues, as soon as they’re available as well as the incredibly critical FREE bonuses.