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In A Real World Assault,
Your Shooting Skills Are Worthless
Unless You Have This
Critical Missing Link…

...then you’re putting yourself and those you love
I know you don’t want to believe it.
Neither did I.
But I finally got tired to seeing news stories of responsibly-armed citizens - even off-duty and plain clothes law enforcement - end up in the hospital (or the morgue) because they failed to realize this very critical gunfighting truth…
Your Attacker Will NOT Be 7-10 Yards Away When He Ambushes You And Your Family In A Shopping Mall Parking Lot!
It’s true.
And even the FBI stats of real-life citizen attacks prove it!
Here's just 3 examples of what makes most gun training ineffective for self defense...
Uniformed Law Enforcement Shooting Stats Don't Apply To You
There's nothing wrong with shooting targets at 21 feet, but real-life defensive shootings usually happen at 5-10 feet, regardless of whether it's a civilian, off-duty officer or plain-clothes law enforcement. Even uniformed officers spend less than a third of their time in uniform, so this applies to them too.
You Probably Won't Be Wearing Your Gun When You're Attacked.
Making fast, accurate first shots from the holster is a vital skill. But shooters make the mistake of doing all of their training from the holster when 80% of the time, people who use firearms to stop violent attacks weren't wearing the gun when the attack happened and they had to get it before they could use it!
Most Handgun Training Is For Shooting Paper Vs. Stopping Violent Attacks
It's important to develop shooting fundamentals flat footed with a proper stance, but in roughly half of defensive shootings, the good guy had a physical struggle before being able to get their gun into the fight. They were moving, off balance, and dealing with the chaos of a surprise life and death situation.
You can be the best shooter in the world,
but if you can't win the fight to your gun,
then it's useless for self defense.
I'm "Ox" from Dry Fire Training Cards. You may know me as the guy behind Dry Fire Training Cards or as the brain based shooting coach who helps new shooters become great faster than they thought possible and the "Yoda" who helps great shooters bust through plateaus when nobody else can.
But what you may not know is that I have always been more of a "fighter" than just a "shooter" and I view guns as just another tool in my arsenal. Guns just happen to be one of the most effective fighting tools you can have...if you can get your gun into the fight.
Being able to fight to your gun is the critical missing link between gun training at the range and what you'll face in a real life attack.
When you read police reports, you see that most people CAN’T just draw their gun and start shooting when they get attacked.
Yet that’s all people practice at the range.
The reality is that when good guys get attacked, they either have to go to another room, go to their car, get to a bag, open a safe, or they have to struggle with their attacker before drawing from the holster.
Is your current gun training getting you ready for a fight like that?
Probably not. Because most training isn’t taught like that and most ranges won't let you train like that.
Most gun training focuses on teaching you to shoot with a gun...or even how to shoot combatively once your gun is in your hands...but it misses the critical step of how to fight TO your gun so that you can actually use your shooting skills.
Unfortunately, martial arts, combatives, and traditional defensive tactics training seldom, if ever get the job done. They're great on their own, but they don't do an effective job of seamlessly combining fighting with empty hands, what's in your hands, and a pistol.
There are a few reasons why traditional training fails…
Martial Arts Take Too Long To Learn...
Dr. Eric CobbMartial arts are great if you're training for an attack in 2035.
Many empty hands techniques that you see will actually work if you dedicate 1000, or 10,000 hours to learning them.
Personally, I prefer techniques that I can learn quickly and that will work if I need them tomorrow or next week.
This is especially true when people come to me with death threats.
They don’t have weeks or months to learn how to protect themselves. When they realize they’re in danger, they need skills that they can use that very day....skills that will work with their existing limitations.
"Sport" & Gym Skills Like
Punching An Attacker In The Face
WON'T Get The Job Done
In A Real Fight...
A lot of people think that they'll just punch an attacker in the face, and then get their gun.
That’s what my kids are learning at their dojo. It’s what you see in cardio-kickboxing classes. It’s fun to get padded up and practice punching a bag, a dummy, or a training partner.
But the fact is, hands stop working or even break when you use an unwrapped hand to punch a head hard enough to do damage.
And if you’re not used to punching people in the head without gloves or wraps, it’s even worse.
Want proof?
In a recent bare knuckle fighting event in Wyoming, 3 of the highly trained fighters broke their hands in one evening, even though they had their hands taped.
Even Iron Mike Tyson broke his hand in multiple street fights.
These are fighters who are used to hitting HARD and have toughened their hands over a period of years.
If your hand doesn’t break when you punch an attacker in the face, your hand probably won't work quite right when you try to draw your gun, knife, or pepper spray.
And don’t even think about trying to do fine motor skills like using keys or your phone to call for help and get to safety.
Most "Retention Shooting" Techniques
Don't Work In The Real World
Blocking and striking with your support hand while drawing with your shooting hand is something that may work great when you’re “fighting” a paper target or “training” with a compliant partner at friendly speeds.
It’s COMPLETELY different when you are at real-life speeds, someone trying to hurt you, and you start behind the curve.
In the real world, when your shooting hand goes back for your gun and your attacker realizes what’s going on, the strikes come quicker and harder—and you’re half as effective at blocking.
I’ll tell you something from experience…blocking and drawing a gun one handed from concealment is a LOT harder after you’ve gotten your bell rung a couple of times.
Traditional "Blocking" Doesn't Work In Real Fights
Traditional blocking teaches almost a dozen different blocks depending on what angle a strike is coming from. But that doesn't work outside of a dojo.
Don’t get me wrong…they work mechanically, but the process of identifying WHAT strike is coming and WHICH block to use just takes too long.
That’s why you never see a professional fighter use a formal martial arts block.
Proper "Fighting Stances" Or "Shooting Stances" Will Slow You Down In An Assault Or Ambush
Almost all fighting systems have stances…yet real ambushes and assaults don’t.
You might see guys fighting over a parking spot or a disrespectful look use stances, but that's the kind of social violence that responsible adults try to avoid.
In real surprise violence, stances take too much time and your ability to strike & shoot while moving backwards, off balance, and at odd distances trumps your ability to deliver a punishing strike to a bag or pad under ideal training conditions.
Traditional Combatives Don't Work
For Older, Slower, Or More Broken Bodies
They're made for young, fit whipper snappers who's bodies don't ache...yet...or for warriors who have been hardening their bodies for decades and still enjoy heavy contact.
Most people just want to be able to defend themselves without the constant bruising and injuries that come with traditional training.
You're more likely to be targeted for violence than some gym rat in his 20s and you need realistic self-defense solutions that are made for YOUR body and lifestyle.
Some of what I said may challenge the way you've trained in the past...and some of it may have even pissed you off.
If it keeps you alive, I’m ok with that.
Think of it as tough love.
From someone who would rather help you fix these problems immediately than let you keep practicing ineffectively and have you or a loved one pay the ultimate price.
I’m not going to leave you hanging or frustrated.
I’ve got the solution for surviving ambushes, assaults, and attacks when you can’t get to your gun because you’re not wearing it or because you’re too busy fighting off blows …
Here's How To Fight To Your Gun
When It's Not Already In Your Hand
It’s pretty obvious that if you own a gun for self defense, being able to effectively fight to it is a VITAL skill.
No matter how much we think we’ll be armed and aware when an attack happens, police reports tell us that 80% of the time when someone uses a firearm in self-defense, they weren’t wearing it and had to get to it before it could help.
50% of the time, there was a physical struggle before they were able to get their gun into the fight.
And NO training out there gives you a fast, easy, realistic solution for bridging this gap between what is traditionally taught and what happens in the real world.
That’s why I’m so excited to introduce you to the most advanced integrated combatives training available today…
“Fight To Your Gun”
The Simple & Proven Method to Ensure
Your Gun Will Help You During An Attack
I’ve been using and teaching this system for a couple of years with great success...with SWAT officers, women with death threats, people who work where weapons aren't allowed, and more.
I loved learning how I can defend myself against attacks when I'm not armed, as most of the places I work or travel do not allow firearms or knives.
Dr. J.G.
Another great class from Ox!
But when it came time to put it on video, I went to the team from Threat Resolution Science…guys who have used the system personally to survive real-life lethal force assaults on multiple continents against single and multiple attackers with knives, sticks, pipes, fists, and guns for the last 2 decades.
The team is made up of one of the most respected performance neurology experts in the world, a veteran violent crimes task force and SWAT officer & Washington State IDPA Defensive Pistol champion, and a jiu jitsu world champion.
I'll tell you their names, bios, and a little more about them in a bit, but I want to keep this short so it's important for now to realize that they bring a combination of experience and expertise that you just won’t find anywhere else.
It not only means that the training is battle tested and proven to work in real world life-and-death assaults and ambushes, but it’s taught in a way that makes it incredibly fast, easy, and fun for anybody to learn, regardless of age, body type, or fitness level.
Fight To Your Gun
Works For...
- People With Packed Schedules And Extremely Limited Time To Train
- Any Fitness Or Coordination Level
- Any Age
- Men or Women
- Novice or Lifelong Fighters
- Any Body Size Or Type
- People Scared Of Hurting Themselves
- People Who Want To Train Alone
- People With Limited Space And Time
In fact, one of the demands of the training is that...
If a loved one
on the other side of the country
had only had 2 hours
to prepare for an attack,
THIS is the training that we’d teach them
What it means is that everything in the training has to be incredibly effective and ridiculously quick to learn...regardless of how slow, old, out of shape, or uncoordinated a person is.
It has to be based on principles rather than techniques...so that it will make ANY BODY more combat effective.
It has to work regardless of whether you've got a gun, some other defensive tool, or are buck-naked in the shower with nothing but a bar of soap and your wits when an attack happens.
It has to help you detect threats sooner by using pre-incident indicators.
It has to preserve the use of your hands so that once you've created space and time, you can transition to a more effective weapon, like a firearm.
It has to work for people with limited space and no training partner.
And it has to work in real life situations, and not just in a dojo or on a shooting range.
The TRS guys have been using these proven techniques with thousands of military and law enforcement personnel for more than two decades and just recently started offering live training to the general public.
I've flown down to Phoenix for 3 of their live, 3 day classes.
People come from across the country and pay $1,750 apiece.
Some have lifelong martial arts backgrounds and some have no experience at all.
Some were men and women who'd survived attacks and who were sick and tired of being afraid.
Some were aging warriors who simply needed more effective solutions than what they'd used up to this point.
Half of the students were women, which is incredibly rare at a combatives class of this caliber and is a testament to the quality and earned reputation of the instructors.
What I learned from them revolutionized my thinking about self-defense--even after 20+ years of combatives and martial arts and having had the privilege of getting to train in many of the most respected systems known.
The last time they held their “Counter Ambush & Assault” training, we filmed all 3 days covering how to use empty hands and whatever you’ve got in your hands as a weapon to counter a surprise ambush, regardless of whether it's your phone, a paper cup of water, purse, or backpack.
On day 4, I joined them and we recorded additional segments on transitioning to a gun as well as the highest leverage at-home drills that integrate empty hands, improvised tools, and firearms to prepare you for surprise attacks that you won’t see coming.
Then, we edited and distilled the 25+ hours of video training down to the highest leverage fighting-to-your-gun material…hard-earned secrets that will seriously tip the odds in your favor in a violent encounter.
Secrets like...
- Simple techniques for fighting to your gun in real-world attack situations like being pressed against a wall, in a chair, or on the ground.
- How to use your body’s natural startle-flinch response to react quicker than what is possible with traditional “self defense” blocks.
- The trick to weaponize your startle-flinch response to quickly scramble your attacker’s brain and shut down their attack so you have time to get your gun into the fight.
- The critical, yet simple details that will turn the everyday objects in your hands, like bags, drinks, phones, & more into your first line of defense and effective fighting tools.
- How to move beyond striking and shooting from “fighting stances” that work great on the range and in a dojo, but fail in a real attack when you’re off balance and stumbling backwards.
- You’ll learn and master the devastating “camshaft” strike…and see why it may be the best weapon you’ve got when you’re too close for anything else.
- The “seat belt” and “violent back scratch” elbow strike techniques that are MUCH more effective in a fight for your life than traditional elbow strikes taught for competition and striking bags. Combine them with “pull the hand” and “the rip saw” and you may HOPE someone picks you up in a bear hug.
- Easy “non-violent postures” that will let you respond to threats more quickly AND that can reduce your liability by making it clear on video and to witnesses that you are the good guy.
- How to get your gun into the fight when you aren’t wearing it. 80% of the time when good guys use guns to stop an assault, their gun isn’t in a holster on their waist, but how much of your training time takes this reality into account? The unfortunate truth is that if you’re not doing these drills you’re unprepared for 80% of attacks where you may need to use your firearm.
- “Smack the bug” training that will help you transition your defense into a fight-ending offense, even if your vision is compromised.
This training makes advanced skills accessible to the concerned citizen and the instruction can be applied right away!
As Responsible Gun Owners,
We MUST Have The Skills
To Actually Get Our Gun Into The Fight
For It To Help Us
With "Fight To Your Gun"
You'll Go Beyond
What You Can Do
On 99% Of Shooting Ranges
And Dive Into Gun Training
For The Real World
- It's been proven to work for adults of all ages, regardless of your size, strength, speed, or previous training.
- It's taught in a way that if a petite lady KNEW that she was going to be attacked that night by bigger, stronger, meaner attackers and she only had 2 hours to learn how to defend herself, she could do it with this training.
- It's been proven in real life lethal force encounters where one of the goals is to transition to a weapon like a gun.
- It works even if you have no athletic ability and no martial arts or self defense background.
- It will work for you without requiring you to buy additional gear.
- It provides a significant advantage to both novices and people who have been around violence their entire lives and already know how to fight.
That combination makes it perfect for someone who has no combatives experience, but wants to know how to be safer without spending hours a week in a dojo.
And, it 's just as valuable for someone like me with 2+ decades of martial arts and combatives experience who's a serious student of integrated fighting with empty hands, improvised weapons, blades, sticks, and guns.
Best of all, you'll learn how to train these skills at home...with or without a training partner.
How to Get The Training
There are only 2 ways to get this training…
Option #1. You can fly to Phoenix, pay for a hotel, and pay $1,750.00 for the 3 day class the next time it’s offered (It’s only offered 2 times per year) and then pay $300 per hour for private lessons with Doc, Tyler, Leo, or me for the training from the 4th day.
I've met close to 100 people at the live training and every one of them got tremendous, life changing value from the training...people ranging from complete newbies to combatives instructors and world class fighters who came as students.
But flying across the country for training may not work for you. Since you’ve read this far, you know how urgent and important this need is. You probably don’t have months to wait to get the training…you know you need it now and know it fills a critical gap that you have in your current self-defense plan.
You simply never know when this training might mean the difference between life and death.
I don’t say that to be overly dramatic. The fact is that by definition, you simply don’t know when a surprise attack will occur. If you knew when and where you were going to be attacked, it wouldn’t be a surprise and you could just avoid being there…or come with a team.
But you don’t know when a surprise attack may happen to you or a loved one.
That’s why it’s so important that you get this training sooner rather than later. Like right now.
And that’s why we have another “fast mover” option for you that you’re going to want to jump on immediately.
It’s for decisive people who can see how important and valuable this training is and who can take quick, decisive action when they see an opportunity like this.
Option #2 is that you can get the complete high definition (HD) Fight To Your Gun training that you can watch at home on your phone, tablet, computer, or smart TV...starting in the next 10 minutes as well as the DVD that will get shipped straight to your door!
This at-home training retails for $97.00 dollars, but...
When You Take Action Right Now
You'll Save 52%
And Get More Than $343
In Valuable Fast Action Bonuses!
Super Bonus: $97 Discount On Live In-Person Training
For fast movers between now and Sunday night, we're offering a $97 live training credit that you can use to attend a live class with TRS OR one of my live training events. (Yes...it's like getting Fight To Your Gun for free!)
Super Bonus: $97 Training Credit For Remote Video Coaching!
This is the top-level training that helps less experienced shooters short-cut the time it takes them to improve and helps already-great shooters bust through plateaus.
So now, with the $97 live training credit and this...it's like you're actually getting paid to go through Fight To Your Gun! -
Bonus: The $27 book, "17 Self-Defense Pistol Training Hacks"
From nationally (and world) recognized military, law enforcement, and competitive shooting instructors like Andrew Curtiss, Ken Javes, Greg Lapin, Eric Leid, Mac MacKenzie, Shannon Smith, and James Washington.
Bonus: "Make Your Training Look Like Reality" Value: $27
My analysis of over 100 armed self-defense events and how to make your training work for what REALLY happens in the real world in a violent assault instead of the make-believe that 99% of people currently train for.
Bonus: "Tactical Firearms Training Secrets" Value: $19.00
The book that played a large part in the dry fire training revolution that we have today. What you may not know is that 10 years ago, dry fire was laughed at, airsoft was just seen as a toy, and mental rehearsal was something VERY few did correctly. This book changed that and brought effective at-home firearms training from the shadows into the mainstream and was the inspiration for countless firearms training books and products.
Bonus: "Real World TacPen Fight-For-Your-Life Techniques" Value: $47.00
Most "Tactical Pens" and "Tactical Pen Trainings" are completely worthless. Anyone selling or teaching Tactical Pen defense tactics with a pen that has a pointed cap or a "DNA collector" has never actually fought with a tactical pen or even hit anything remotely resembling an attacker and they only increase your chances of being hurt. In this training, you'll not only see proven techniques that have worked in the real world, but a world class medical professional will explain why they work as well as they do, regardless of your size, sex, strength, or coordination.

It's the perfect match for your new Stealth Tactical Pen and between the course and the bonuses, you're getting more than $2,100 of real-world value for $97.00 (only $47 For Fast Movers Like You!)
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