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Your Dry Fire Training Cards are being packed up and shipped. Information on your purchase is being sent to your inbox shortly (10-15 minutes).
While you wait, I wanted to give you a way to become part of a select group of shooters, known as "Alpha Shooters."

You've got the cards...
Now, Turbo-Charge your new training tool so that you can shoot 2x faster and 2x tighter groups in only 21 DAYS!
You are on this page because you just took a GIANT step forward in your shooting speed and accuracy.
Weather you are aiming to improve your groupings at the range or improve your ability to protect yourself and your family, I want to say thank you and congratulations!
I have sold many thousands of decks of my Dry Fire Training Cards over the past few years and I am very proud of them and the results that my customers have had.
However, I am wired in such a way that I have to keep improving and pushing to the next level.
After years of trial-and-error, success-and-failure, I finally came up with what I believe is the best way to use your Dry Fire Training Cards.
It combines your new cards with HD-Video training, in-depth written instructions and explanations and advanced shooting and vision drills.
In this high speed, high impact training you'll learn...
- Vision drills and tricks that will allow you aim faster and easier, even if you are cross-eye dominant or have trouble seeing your front sight clearly.
- You’ll learn a single technique that will allow you to confidently hit targets from 10 feet to 100 yards (or more).
- You’ll learn vision drills and tricks that will allow you aim faster and easier, even if you are cross-eye dominant or have trouble seeing your front sight clearly.
- You’ll learn how to train SMARTER so that you can improve 10x as much using 1/10th the time and money as shooters who only do “traditional” training.
- You’ll learn specific ways to practice so that your skill level won’t fall off a cliff under high stress.
- And MUCH more…
Take a look at what some of our customers have said about turbo-charging there Dry Fire Training Cards training.
“awesome training tool for people looking for help putting together a program… awesome guide to help show beginners where to start”
“Best way to train without costing you an arm and a leg”
“Covers so many different drills for self-defense with a firearm! Training that would cover all of this in a live fire course would cost thousands of $. Also you have the time to repeatedly practice any areas that you feel you may be weak in - again, not an option with a live fire course!”
“I am a firearms instructor which makes me a full time student. I am constantly looking for ways to improve my students and make their training fun and easy to retain the fundamentals we train. Your programs are professionally made, solid fundamentals, practical, and a great workout! I recommend them to our students regularly.”
“I had the opportunity to take the “Hogan’s Alley” course a number of years back and your drills made me realize how much I had forgotten.”
“I was a CQB instructor while serving in the Marine Corps. I know from my time doing this, how important dry fire drills are in training. Not only do they help sharpen existing skills but, they help burn those skills into muscle memory. Your drills make it less boring by randomizing the drills.”
“very well thought out”
“Great. Things that I never thought of.”
“GREAT and fun concept to get people to consider various scenarios. It is not like people with ill motives are going to make it easy to stop them. This got us to thinking and practicing. I’m loving to daily practice dry shooting.”
What is this amazing program that so many shooters are raving about...
I call it...
The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge
Here's how the challenge works.
In a few days, you're going to get a DVD in the mail with the follow-along home study course. As soon as you sign up, you'll also get immediate access to the online and on-demand HD edition of the training that you can start using immediately. You'll have unlimited lifetime access to the on-demand materials so you can access them from your home, tablet, or phone, any time you want, from anywhere with an internet connection.
The videos are short and sweet, most about 3-5 minutes each and built around the Dry Fire Training Cards you have coming your way.
On these videos, you’ll be shown perfect form that gives you the baseline of each drill.
These drills are in a specific order, and each one builds upon the last.
In fact, they’re all part of a system, built to speed the process of becoming a top-gun.
All you have to do is watch the video practice your drill for 10-15 minutes, but never more than 15 minutes. (You’ll learn why)
Then each day, your nervous system builds “wiring” in a precise order.
At the end of 21 days, this “wiring” creates an automatic impulse that you don’t even have to think about.
The day after you’re done, you go to the range and that impulse guides you.
And behold… your target has the tightest grouping you’ve ever shot.
Trust me; everyone paying attention will start treating you differently.
Because you’ll be well on your way to becoming an “Alpha-Shooter” with this system.
Not only will you be a star on the range… but in a self-defense situation your impulses will automatically guide you to do what you have to do.
You’ll discover:
- The one skill you can learn that will keep your sight picture as still as possible before, during and after the trigger releases.
- The secret to rapid, accurate shooting that Tier One operatives rely on.
- The one drill to perform that will etch a "deep groove" into your muscle memory. (Creating this deep groove means your body will react on "autopilot" – which can save your life in a high stress situation.)
- How to handle the three most common failures in your weapon. This drill will allow you fix them quick and get back on target faster than ever before.
- The best drill to help with anticipatory flinch. Master this one, and your accuracy will explode.
- Why you never cock your head to line up the sights… and what to do instead.
- How to increase the speed of your sight alignment when moving from target to target.
- The one problem shooters face as they start picking up speed (or as they get older)… and how to overcome it once and for all.
- The one skill to practice so that you can still shoot even if your dominant hand is crushed or injured.
- How to train your "startle response" for your ultimate benefit. This is the secret to be a deadly shooter even if surprised.
And that’s just the basic stuff.
Later, when you’re ready, you’ll move to more advanced drills like:
- The secret to train for unorthodox presentation methods that you may need in “reality.” (Like flat on your back or sitting in a soft sofa.)
- How to simulate that “sausage finger” feeling of trying to do tasks that require fine motor skills during extreme stress. You won’t find this technique anywhere else.
- The “trick” to imprint your unconscious mind so you shoot with deadly accuracy automatically, without having to think about it–so you can focus on your threat and not the process of delivering effective lead downrange.
- How to eliminate the delay between presenting your weapon and releasing the shot.
- The weird technique from samba dancing can create deadly accuracy in any direction 360 degrees around you. Try learning that at your local range!
Why Does The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge Give You Better Speed and Accuracy than a Range?
21 Day Alpha Shooter combines the most effective parts of martial arts training--tested and refined by combat for more than 2,500 years, with cutting edge neuroscience and more than a dozen scientifically validated accelerated learning techniques.
You'll learn gun handling skills as fast as is humanly possible and in a way that you'll be able to perform at a high level in a life and death situation.
You see, modern gun training takes a firehose approach, cramming as much information as possible into students in a very short amount of time, a few times a year.
No matter how great the instructors are, the human mind just isn't designed to learn skills that way. It's like pouring a 5 gallon bucket into a teacup... The teacup gets filled real quick and the rest is wasted.
Your mind is the same. It learns skills best with frequent short learning/practice sessions over time. And that's just one of the accelerated learning techniques we use.
Please understand that the science we use in the training is advanced, but the training itself is simple, easy, and fun to do.
It's designed so that any responsible adult with a 6th grade education can take full advantage of it.
Here's a sample of some of the accelerated learning hacks we incorporate into the training:
- Interleaved training that's been shown to help you perform up to 3x better under stress...even if you do worse in practice
- Synaptic Facilitation to help your performance improve exponentially after you set the base
- A simple trick to maximize acetyl choline in the brain so you can create memories/learn skills faster
- Visual hacks to see your sights faster
- Neuroplasticity techniques to recruit more of your brain into the shooting process
- "Slow training" techniques that generate smooth, accurate speed
- Using tactile feedback to automatically line your sights up with the target...even before you see them.
- A simple trick to supercharge neurogenesis (adding density & power to the brain) so you build neural pathways (muscle memory) faster
- At-home sensory deprivation training tricks
- and many more...
You don't need to understand any of the fancy words or the science behind them...all you have to do is follow the simple step-by-step training and you'll get the full benefit of these hacks.
(but, if you do want to know about them, you'll get regular emails from me where I talk about them)
Each of these training techniques on their own are powerful. Combined, they're like adding a supercharger and nitrous to an already-fast muscle car...they're a game changer.
This is why we're able to deliver BETTER results in a few minutes per day over the next 21 days than what you can get by only doing live training.
And you can imagine just how effective it is when you go to an intensive live fire class and combine it with 21 Day Alpha Shooter.
Which is why many top instructors send their students home with our's the most effective way to actually lock in the lessons long term.
So, I'll admit, these drills don't completely replace live training...…
but rather – they are a force multiplier!
Doing this system of exact drills, in the correct order will allow you to create:
- Powerful neural pathways that gives you muscle memory quickly and puts your fundamentals into auto-mode…
- …While you simultaneously hardwire perfect form into your subconscious mind faster, (and cheaper), than what is humanly possible with just live fire or traditional dry fire alone.
Please, don’t underestimate the power of this dry fire system as THE quickest, easiest path to becoming an “Alpha-Shooter.”
By the way, these drills are not just mine…they’re drills from:
- Retired US Navy SEAL, Larry Yatch
- Matt Seibert, expert on mental dynamics of shooting
- Ed Santos, former US Army sniper and low light tactical training expert
- Former Force Recon Marine, Chris Graham
- Mike Hughes, runner-up from season 3 of Top Shot
- And more!
That's why:
- The National Tactical Officer’s Association (NTOA) tested and recommended them…
- Tier I and Tier II military units from around the globe use them…
- Instructors from the Navy SEAL Sniper School recommend our training.
- And police departments across the country buy our training materials in bulk.
Plus the best thing is, they’ll work seamlessly with whatever training you’ve had in the past.
How to Join The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge
Considering a day at the range can run you $100, you might think The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge would be pricy.
After all, how many range days would it take to get “Alpha-Shooter” skills?
If you were getting instruction from a pro… you could spend upwards of $30,000 to get “Alpha-Shooter” skills.
And even if you thought you could “binge” on 21 days of range time… it could cost $2,100… and you would only be reinforcing bad habits.
That’s why dry fire is a game-changer.
And why I personally use it EVERY DAY.
And it's also why you don’t have to pay anywhere near $2,100 to get “Alpha-Shooter” skills… in a fraction of the time.
Which is why I’m going to make this so easy for you.
…so I’m doing something I’ve never done before.
That means instead of joining at $147, I’ll cut over 75% off.
I’m testing out a $110 shooting “scholarship” to help raise your game.
Since you have already purchased your Dry Fire Training Cards, I am going to put that entire value towards your 21 Day Alpha-Shooter course. That means you are basically getting the Dry Fire Training Cards for free!
So today, you can join The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge for just $37.
That’s right a measly $37… which breaks down to less than $1.77 per day.
But today is the only day I can guarantee you get this special deal.
It may be gone as early as tomorrow because this is only a test offer.
So don’t delay.
I made it so simple for you to succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
Just watch a lesson a day, practice the specific drill, and in 21 days, go to the range and shoot.
If you’re not shooting tighter, more accurate groups after The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge…
I Don’t Deserve a Penny…
That means if you’re not 100% thrilled with how confident, precise and smooth your shooting becomes after the challenge – I demand you ask for a refund.
All you need to do is contact my support team and let them know you’re not satisfied inside of the nest 60 days.
They’ll give you an instant, no-hassle refund as soon as you ask.
No bones about it.
You see, I know these drills work.
I use them myself.
Plus the best shooters in the world use them because they work.
So if they don’t work for you… you probably just didn’t participate.
Which would be my failure for not making the three week challenge exciting enough for you, because if you’ve stayed with me this long, you’re probably not lazy.
The fact is, I rarely get refunds because the training delivers the goods.
So you get a full 60 days to try it… risk free.
That way you don’t need to start today, you can schedule it for whenever works.
Because you can start the challenge when you want… it’s completely automated after you “press the trigger.”
That means you control when to start it, I’ll tell you how in your confirmation email.
And by the way…you'll be able to take and re-take the training anytime you want… for LIFE.
All for only $37… if you join now.
Ready to get started?
Before you do… I want to tell you about some extras I’m throwing in today.
Three More Valuable Gifts…
If You Say “Yes” Today
If You Say “Yes” Today
Gift #1 - Instant access to my guide to Clearing Your House with a Firearm (Value $27)
Obviously your first and best choice if you have an intruder in your house is to get immediate help from armed, law enforcement professionals.
But, if your bedroom is separated from your children’s, you’re concerned about a time when police are overwhelmed and can’t respond, or you just live in one of the many parts of the country where law enforcement response times stretch past 15-20 minutes, this guide could be a lifesaver.
Gift #2 - 12 Bonus videos guaranteed to take your shooting the next level (Value $27)
Drills, including:
-How the right grip can cut your draw time in half and your followup shot times by 75%
-How to build a sub-second drawstroke from concealment
-100 yard shooting with a sub-compact
-How to turn paper targets into reactive targets
-Training to shoot moving targets at home
-Tricks for 1 handed concealed drawstrokes with gloves and winter clothes
-And more!
Proven effective by thousands of responsibly armed civilians, law enforcement from coast to coast, and military personnel from around the globe, this is the secret weapon you’ve been looking for to take your shooting to the next level.
Gift #3 - Wallet sized Pistol Drop Chart (Value $17)
One of a kind wallet sized Pistol Drop Chart that will give you rough drop data for any caliber of bullet from any barrel length out to 200 yards. Think of it as a "cheat sheet" for long range shooting with a pistol!
Add all of the free gifts together, and that’s over $70 worth of one-of-a-kind information!
All you have to do is try the 21 Day Alpha Shooter Challenge today.
Remember, this $37 special “scholarship” deal is only available for a limited time.
If you come back and you don’t see the special pricing, the bonus cards, companion guide, or the printable version of the cards, that means you
missed out…so act now.
YES! I want to shoot faster, tighter, and more accurate groups with your three week system!
Sign me up for The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge!
Today Only $37
Here’s exactly what I’ll get:
- High-Definition DVD complete with all 21 days of "virtual coaching" plus bonus training videos delivered directly to your doorstep.
- Lifetime, unlimited access to all HD quality on-demand videos with your “virtual coaching.”
- Entry into The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge, I pick when to start.
- Instant access to Clearing Your House With A Firearm with step-by-step instructions if help is too far away to help protect my family in an intruder situation
- One of a kind wallet sized Pistol Drop Chart. Think of it as a "cheat sheet" for long range shooting with a pistol!
- Lifetime, unlimited access...
- And it’s all backed by your 60 day money back satisfaction guarantee!

Oh, Here’s How You Could Take
The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge – FREE
The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge – FREE
I mentioned earlier that you could do the challenge free, if you wanted to.
Here’s how it works.
First, join the challenge. Then, when you’re ready, go to the range and shoot your first magazine of rounds at a target.
Take a picture of you with the target.
Start The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge.
After the 21 days is up, go to the range immediately.
Again, shoot your first magazine of rounds at a target.
Take a picture.
Send both the before and after target pictures to me, and I’ll give you an instant credit for $37 for any of my other training products.
The way I see it, if you’re committed enough to go through the challenge, and you get a jolt of thrill from seeing it work… you’re that “good guy with a gun” I want out there packing.
Because you can make a difference if you need to.
So I know you’ll want to keep improving, and getting $37 off of any of my other trainings will help.
The ONLY way that you won’t shoot better after taking The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge is if you make a choice to refuse participating.
And, actually, if you’re the kind of weak-willed person who might roll over, give up, I doubt you’d take the time to read this far.
But if you are, then please don’t waste your time or mine by joining the challenge in the first place.
Joining and doing nothing won’t do a thing in a firefight… even though it could give you an emotional high right now.
But, my hunch is you’re the type of person who values a higher skill-set with your weapon, and I think it’s safe to say that you and I are cut from the same cloth.
You seem determined to become a better shooter, and seem willing to put in 15 minutes per day.
And I wouldn’t pull shenanigans like that on a fellow shooter. :)
Here’s to better shooting and tighter groups in three weeks,
P.S. I can’t guarantee the same $37 deal will be available tomorrow. If you can’t start today, no big deal, you can join today and start any time you like. Just look for the special link to start the automated process that delivers the challenge. Keep it handy too… you can do the challenge as many times as you want… for LIFE.
YES! I want to shoot faster, tighter, and more accurate groups in the next 21 days and take advantage of your $37 deal… before it disappears!
Sign Me Up For
The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge!
Today Only $37
The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge!
Here’s exactly what you’ll get:
- High-Definition DVD complete with all 21 days of "virtual coaching" plus bonus training videos delivered directly to your doorstep.
- 21 Days of HD quality video coaching sessions.
- Entry into The 21 Day Alpha-Shooter Challenge, you pick when to start.
- One of a kind wallet sized Pistol Drop Chart. Think of it as a "cheat sheet" for long range shooting with a pistol!
- Instant access to Clearing Your House With A Firearm with step-by-step instructions if help is too far away to help protect my family in an intruder situation
- Lifetime, unlimited access...
- It’s all backed by a 60 day money back satisfaction guarantee!
Firearms are designed to project force at a distance and are designed to break and destroy what they're pointed at. By visiting this site, you hereby agree not to aim a firearm at anything you aren't willing to destroy...regardless of whether or not you think it's loaded. You also agree to take responsibility for your actions and hold this site, the author, and anyone associated with the site or the author harmless for the use or misuse of the information that you find through the course of visiting this site.
Copyright © UrbSurv LLC 2017