"See How This New Patent Pending Tough Target Will Make Dry Fire Training “Not Suck” and Be More Fun Than You Can Imagine!"
Finally! A target designed specifically for making dry fire more fun and effective.
Even better...Tough Targets are printed on oversized bandanas for cheap shipping, easy storage, and maximum value for the shooter who demands the best for their dollar!
Dry Fire Training With Tough Targets Is As Simple As...
Hang It Up
Improve Quickly With More Than 50 Fun Dry Fire Drills & Standards
Stuff it in a bag or drawer when you're done
Dry fire training has exploded in popularity since we released Tactical Firearms Training Secrets almost a decade ago.
It’s evolved from being something only the most elite shooters did 10 years ago to today...where all serious shooters have come to realize that doing the majority of your training with dry fire is more efficient and cost effective than only doing live fire training at the range.
But, do you know what hasn’t evolved with the times?
Dry fire targets.
Paper Targets Suck For Dry Fire Practice
Paper targets are bulky and expensive to ship, they rip easy, and they’re a pain to store when you’re not using them.
Even when you are using them, they’re b o r i n g. Because they’re designed for shooting…not dry fire training.
Worse than that, using the same old target...seeing the same exact size and shape targets and transitioning through the exact same distance...can create training scars. You end up training for the target instead of building resilient skill.
Laser targets are on the other extreme. They're a lot of fun, but they’re expensive.
And that’s why I’m so excited to tell you about Tough Targets!
Tough Targets will give you a fun variety of targets and drills to make every second of training time as effective as possible.
What Makes Them Tough?
Traditional paper targets are pretty fragile, they rip easily, and they're a pain to store.
Tough Targets are made out of fabric...an idea so unique it's Patent Pending...so they're extremely rip resistant, you can fold them and stuff them in a pocket, bag, or drawer, and if they get dusty, dirty, or greasy, you can toss them in the laundry because they're machine washable. (Don't try THAT with an ordinary target!)
How Many Targets And Drills?
When you start mixing and matching, there are more than 50 fun and unique base drills you can do with the Tough Target. Add in movement, rotation, and multiple targets and your options are limitless.
Look at all of the targets on there...It’s not practical to put that many targets on a paper target…paper targets are just too small.
But Tough Targets are 39”x39” with enough drills and targets to keep your training fun and your mind challenged.
Let’s just look at center-mass and head target combinations.
On a normal target, you’ve got one or two options. Same size targets…same angle for the transition.
If you look at the Fun Target, you’ll see several different combinations of center-mass and head targets…they’re all different shapes, sizes, and distances from each other.
For torso, you’ve got the blue FBI QID rectangle on the left, the FLETC racetrack & an 8.5x11 vital zone in the center, and the grey 8” high-center-mass on the right. You could even use the black & grey B8 center or the yellow & black Secchi target—6 options.
Then, for the head targets, you’ve got FBI, a business card, 2 3x5 cards, a CNS triangle, a CNS dot and the blue 3” dot—7 head options.
6 Center Mass Options X 7 Head Options = 42 Combinations!!
because in the real world, the head is not always going to be straight above center mass after the first couple of hits.
(You could even go down to the pelvis instead of up to the head for even more options)
But that’s just the beginning…
From there, you’ve got numbered targets around the edge that you can use for dice drills or as command targets with a training partner…take your pick and shoot the big 4” target or the precision 1” target.
It’s a variety of drills that you won’t find on any other target.
That variety is vital for learning.
When you use the same old paper target…over and over…it’s not only boring, but it’s like trying to drive with the emergency brake on.
You CAN get better, but it will be slower and take a lot more effort than if you just release the E-brake by training smarter--with more variety, novelty, and fun.
When you add variety and novelty
with the Tough Target,
you'll create up to an additional
1.8 million new neural connections
in the brain PER SECOND.
Variety is THAT important. It puts a turbo-charger on learning.
Plus, let’s face it, you know you'll practice more when it’s fun than when you're simply grinding out reps on paper so you can say you did it.
And it’s how you’ll make quicker, easier progress than you thought possible with the Tough Target.
With Tough Targets, you can do effective dry fire training with a laser pistol, bore sight laser, or even with your own unloaded pistol or blue gun by reading your sights…so you don’t need a ton of fancy or expensive equipment to do high value dry fire training.
The targets are designed so you can use them to train for any local, state, or federal law enforcement qualification, USPSA or IPSC, IDPA, AGAG, as well as many of the more popular drills like the Bill Drill (using the FLETC racetrack as the A-Zone), F.A.S.T., 5x5, Head Shot Standards, and more drills and standards that you’ll receive along with your target.
The only question left is how many to get…
You only NEED one, but you may want more so that you can do 90 or 180 degree transitions, train with a friend, or to use when instructing.
But here’s the thing…
The first shipment sold out IN HOURS!
The 2nd (much larger) shipment is going quick, so act now to get yours soon!
Check Out What Other People Are Saying
AlexThat is so cool. I can't believe nobody thought of doing this before!
MikeDry fire was getting kind of...dry...and this is just what I needed to spice things up. Thanks, Ox!
JeffTough Targets proves again that you are officially the mad scientist of gun training.

Firearms are designed to project force at a distance and are designed to break and destroy what they're pointed at. By visiting this site, you hereby agree not to aim a firearm at anything you aren't willing to destroy...regardless of whether or not you think it's loaded. You also agree to take responsibility for your actions and hold this site, the author, and anyone associated with the site or the author harmless for the use or misuse of the information that you find through the course of visiting this site.
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