You made a smart decision...your order is complete and you can close this page right now (DO NOT HIT THE "BACK BUTTON"), but I want to tell you about this exciting new Dry Fire Target
"Self-Standing Dry Fire Targets Will Make Dry Fire Training “Not Suck” and Be More Fun Than You Can Imagine!"
Finally! Self-standing dry fire targets designed specifically for making dry fire easier, more fun and effective.
Even better...they're designed for easy setup, cheap shipping, easy storage, and maximum value for the shooter who demands the best for their dollar!

Dry Fire Training With Tough Targets Is As Simple As...
Pop 'em Up
Like magic…no pins, clips, or magnets needed
Improve Quickly With Fun, Brain Based Dry Fire Drills & Standards
Stuff 'em in a bag or drawer when you're done
Dry fire training has exploded in popularity since we released Tactical Firearms Training Secrets almost a decade ago.
It’s evolved from being something only the most elite shooters did 10 years ago to today...where all serious shooters have come to realize that doing the majority of your training with dry fire is more efficient and cost effective than only doing live fire training at the range.
But, do you know what hasn’t evolved with the times?
Dry fire targets.
Paper Targets Suck For Dry Fire Practice
Paper targets are bulky and expensive to ship, they rip easy, and they’re a pain to store when you’re not using them.
Even when you are using them, they’re b o r i n g. Because they’re designed for shooting…not dry fire training.
Worse than that, using the same old target...seeing the same exact size and shape targets and transitioning through the exact same distance...can create training scars. You end up training for the target instead of building resilient skill that will work in real-world situations where lives are on the line.
Laser targets are on the other extreme. They're a lot of fun, but they’re expensive...and they're still only as good as the training that you do with them.
The thing is, nobody "rises to the occasion" in a self-defense situation...history, after-action reports, and science tells us that it just doesn't happen.
And the skills you have at the end of a 1, 3, or 5 day live-training will disappear within a week or two of the class unless you keep practicing after the class.
The ONLY way to be prepared for a self defense shooting situation is to train on a regular basis.
But the ugly truth is that most shooters don't do that because it's too expensive to do live fire training and too boring & cumbersome to do old-school dry fire training.
The Self-Standing Dry Fire Target fixes that...(and might save your life in the process)
3 Keys For Effective Dry Fire
Dry Fire MUST Have Easy Setup & Tear Down
You'll train more often if setup and tear down take mere seconds rather than if it is a multi-minute process.
The Self-Standing Dry Fire Target is the quickest and easiest dry fire target available today to set up and put away. -
Dry Fire MUST Be Fun & Include A Variety Of Drills
The combination of fun and dopamine are one of the keys to learning skills quickly...and grinding out reps so you can check a box isn't fun. The 50+ drills you'll get with the Self-Standing Dry Fire Target are a TON of fun!
But fun isn't enough...you need variety as well. Once you know how to perform a skill, you need to be changing up how you practice every few reps to maximize learning speed.
That's difficult with regular targets, but the Self-Standing Dry Fire Target makes it easy. -
Effective Dry Fire MUST Carry Over To The Real World
Most dry fire is done in a way that has little benefit for live fire at the range, let alone self-defense performance.
The 50+ drills that you'll get with the Self-Standing Dry Fire Target are specifically designed to help you build skills that will carry over to real-world situations...regardless of whether it's shooting paper, competition, hunting, or self defense when lives are on the line.
This is what you need--what you've been looking for to finally get the results you want from at-home training.
If you miss any one of these 3 key factors, it's like trying to merge onto the highway with your parking brake on...you may get the job done, but it's going to take a lot more time, money, and effort than necessary.
How Many Targets And Drills?
The options are unlimited, but we'll start you off with more than 50 fun and unique base drills. Add in movement, rotation, and multiple targets and your options are limitless.
Let's look at how the target is set up...
Each of the 4 main sides is 14" wide and 23" tall.
The first side is the FLETC or Law Enforcement side. It's designed to give you multiple torso, center-mass, head, and central-nervous system combinations to train, including an 8.5x11 center mass, a 4" racetrack center mass, a 1" center mass, 3x5 CNS, 4" triangle CNS, and 1" circle CNS.
It's designed for classrooms and briefing rooms with multiple students or at-home use.
The next side is also a torso designed for competition and self-defense training.
Since this is a 3 dimensional, self-standing target, there are things that you can do with it that you can't do with a flat target...
Like setting it up so the edge is closest to you and having 2 targets to engage instead of 1...
(You can even work on flanking, angles, and lining up attackers so you're only exposed to one at a time)
But that’s just the beginning…
The 3rd side is where things start going into overdrive...
It's the B8 (the black and grey target in the middle) and command target side.
It's a combination of red, yellow, green, and blue 4" and 1" shapes with numbers and letters in them.
These are used for hand-eye coordination drills, foot-eye (trip prevention) drills, and shooting drills where a partner calls out shapes, numbers, or letters.
One of the biggest challenges in firearms training is that the majority of training is driven by beeps or audible commands and the majority of real-world shooting decisions are based on visual input.
This target side and your choice of apps that I'll tell you about will help bridge the gap between the auditory training your used to and the visually based shooting you need for the real world.
What Are All The Letters For?
I'm glad you asked :)
Even though shooting is 80% visual, it's mostly ignored and MASSIVELY misunderstood.
One of the keys to dynamic shooting is how quickly you can shift focus and regain clear, coordinated vision.
When I say "coordinated vision" I'm referring to the eyes pointing to the same thing at the same time and more than 60% of shooters have an issue with this that causes them to see double sights or targets some or most of the time and misjudge distance immediately after shifting focus.
This skill is critical, regardless of whether it's you that's moving or whether it's your target.
Challenges with shifting focus cause 30-60% of the population to have difficulties reading, cause classroom behavior issues for kids, increase the likelihood of automobile accidents, and cause lags when transitioning between targets when shooting.
The "letter drills" that I'll share with you will help speed up the coordinated movement of your eyes and the speed that you can process information visually...the improvements can be quite shocking when we combine them with a metronome app on your phone.
In addition, I'll show you how to use the "letter drills" as an easy training tool to add visual discernment to your training. < Visual discernment, or making shoot/don't shoot decisions based on changing visual input is critically lacking in the majority of training today and these drills will help you bridge that gap quickly and easily...while having fun at the same time.
Reach Out & Touch Someone
The design for the 4th side came at the request of an elite military training unit and it's ridiculously powerful for long range dry fire training.
There are a few layers to this...
The first layer is that, if you set up the target at 10M, the reduced silhouettes give you target profiles for 50M out to 800M, regardless of whether you've got a full torso, head & shoulders, OR an oblique/side profile.
You can also use it at shorter distances and then the reduced silhouettes just represent targets at shorter ranges.
With a slip-on objective lens, you can use your hunting scope or low-power variable optic as close as 10 feet and the target profiles become reduced 15M-250M targets.
You may be wondering why the letters are different sizes.
They are for a set of drills that will make it easier to use high power scopes with both eyes open...and rapidly switch back and forth between looking through the scope (magnified) and around the scope (non-magnified) without altering your mount/cheek-weld.
Like most of our training and training tools, there's nothing else like it available anywhere at any price.
All Hail Secchi!
There's a surprise bonus target profile on the bottom of the Self-Standing Dry Fire Target...
It's a Secchi target. This pattern was developed in the 1700s to establish a standard for water clarity and I began using it as a neurologically superior target a few years ago.
The power of the Secchi target is that it allows a shooter to do 2 things...
- For front sight shooting, it lets a shooter be comfortable focusing on their front sight and letting the target go blurry. The color combination and use of shapes allows the eye to know exactly where the bullseye is...even when the target is blurry.Once a shooter sees the dramatic positive impact of focusing on the front sight, they can apply the lesson to any target.
- With scopes and red dots, the Secchi target makes it incredibly easy to see how much (or how little) your stance and trigger press disturbs sight alignment, lets you baseline where you're at, and measure both immediate improvements and improvement over time.This is critical, not only for self-defense pistol, but also for midrange carbine and long range rifle.
At only 4.7 ounces, You Can Set Or
Hang Them Anywhere
(Click the right and left arrows to see more...)
Set it on the floor, a chair, a table/counter/desk, chair-back OR, for a little challenge, put a book inside and set it on a Roomba or other autonomous vaccuum :)
If you want to hang them, you can hang them from a 3m Command Strip, whiteboard magnet, refrigerator magnet, or the slats of a venetian blind. They're light enough that you can even wedge the handle between DVDs or books on a shelf! Just make sure that the backstop you're using is appropriate for the training platform you're using.
This Makes Them Perfect For Both At-Home Use And Instructor Use In Classrooms
Check Out What Other People Are Saying
BruceThis is really, really smart. Someone needed to make this a long time ago.
MarkI can't wait to get mine.
JeffTough Targets proves again that you are officially the mad scientist of gun training.

What Is Dry Fire? Why Should I Do It?
Dry fire training is the manipulation of a firearm with no live ammo present. You can practice grip, draw stroke, trigger press, recoil management (even without recoil), transitions, reloads, malfunctions, shooting on the move, shooting from awkward positions, shooting around cover, and more.
You can do it with your real firearm (after taking appropriate precautions that we cover), you can do it with an inert training pistol, or you can do it with airsoft/paintball/bb/pellet non-gun trainers with or without projectiles.
According to the major manufacturers, as long as you do it correctly, dry fire is safe for your firearm, no matter what kind it is...even with .22s and other rimfires.
Dry fire is vital for anyone who thinks they may need to use their firearm under stress at some point.
The reason is that we need frequent, short practice sessions to code skills to the right parts of the brain...the parts that we'll be able to access under stress. Once a quarter, once a month, or once a week range time doesn't get the job done and we've repeatedly seen that 5-10 minutes of the right dry fire, 3-5 times a week is way more effective than an hour or two of live fire training done every week or two. As a bonus, it saves considerable time and money.
Many non-serious shooters think that dry fire is something that you settle for when you can't get to the range or can't find ammo, but serious shooters understand that doing the majority of your practice with dry fire gets the job done quicker, easier, and more effectively than only doing live fire.
With today's ammo pricing and availability, many people who scoffed at dry fire in the past are turning to it in desperation and realizing they should have been doing it for years.
Dry fire hardwires whatever you practice into your brain quicker, so it's absolutely vital that you do high quality training. Most drills that you find online are NOT high quality drills and are almost guaranteed to create training scars that will negatively impact your ability to use your firearm for real under stress.
Our drills are designed specifically to help you create high quality skills that will carry over from dry fire to live fire.

Firearms are designed to project force at a distance and are designed to break and destroy what they're pointed at. By visiting this site, you hereby agree not to aim a firearm at anything you aren't willing to destroy...regardless of whether or not you think it's loaded. You also agree to take responsibility for your actions and hold this site, the author, and anyone associated with the site or the author harmless for the use or misuse of the information that you find through the course of visiting this site.
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