Ox here, from Dry Fire Training Cards and 21 Day Alpha Shooter, with an exciting announcement about a VERY limited opportunity.
"Would it be helpful if I flew to where you lived, went to the range with you, analyzed your technique, and gave you customized drills for exactly what YOU need to do over the coming weeks to get the most benefit from your practice time?"
And, what if, while we were together, I showed you simple, fast techniques for making dramatic, immediate improvements in your ability to shoot fast, tight groups from the holster?
You’d probably want to record it, so that you wouldn’t have to depend on your memory like you do with traditional firearms training.
Since we're recording it, you could continually refer back to it a few days, months, or years down the line so you get full value from your training time and money.

How much would that be worth?
It depends on how much it's worth to you to perform at a high level with a handgun that you might need to use to defend yourself or a loved one.
But to give you an idea, one recent firearms class I ran that was open to the public where I was one of the instructors, was $1,997.00 per person for 2 days. It sold out and the shooters who flew in from around the country all said it was life changing and well worth the money.
And today, I'm going to show you how you can get that same level of personalized, one-on-one instruction from me that’s faster and easier than if you flew to train with me.
Here’s the deal…
Over the last decade, I’ve gone down the rabbit hole to find the best ways to use performance neurology to help shooters make rapid and dramatic improvements to their shooting speed and accuracy with minimal cost or effort.
It’s called “brain based learning” and what we're doing is completely different than the traditional firearms training model and not available anywhere else.
I know this because it's common for me to work with shooters after they've trained at the most popular schools and with the most popular instructors in the country.
I am friends with many of these guys, they're great instructors, and there's tremendous value in high quality live firearms training.
But I'm able to get the results that I do because I use diagnostic techniques that simply aren't possible on a live fire range with a line of shooters.
Problems that take weeks or months to fix using traditional methods can be fixed in a couple of minutes when you use the right brain based techniques.
More importantly, there are several vision problems that traditional firearms training doesn’t address, can’t diagnose and can’t fix that can be fixed almost immediately using the right brain based drills.
The result is faster first HITS from the holster, and tighter, faster followup HITS and faster transitions with less effort and struggle.
I incorporate several of these drills, hacks, and techniques into the 21 Day Alpha Shooter Course, Draw Stroke Mastery, and Praxis Gunfight Training, but if you’re like me, you like to shortcut the process and improve faster with individual attention and specific advice.
And that’s what I’m offering a limited number of serious shooters like you today…a way to shortcut the process with customized, individual instruction from me.
We're going to focus on getting you the most benefit from your training time and money, so I'm going to have you do a few quick vision tests and dry fire drills using the phone on your camera or webcam.
The drills are specifically designed for shooters who want to be able to use their firearm effectively in high speed/high stress situations like self-defense, but they’ll also help with competition.
The drills are designed to highlight opportunities for improvement with your drawstroke (concealed carry or open), grip, vision issues, and trigger manipulation to give you faster, more accurate first hits on target.
Here’s how it works…
When you sign up below, I’m going to send you out a short sequence of vision and dry fire drills to do, either with an inert training platform like a SIRT, airsoft, or blue gun or with your carry pistol after you’ve unloaded it and removed all ammunition from the room. You’ll film yourself doing them in front of the camera on your phone or in front of a webcam. The dry fire drills will only take about 5 minutes to do.
You’ll upload the video to a website address that I give you.
I’ve developed a 140+ point diagnostic analysis checklist that I use for these videos that covers the most common opportunities for improvement that I run into on a regular basis. I’ll analyze your video and send you back a customized video analysis along with specific drills to do that will help you the most.
Most shooters see dramatic improvement the first day they incorporate my recommendations. One shooter recently went from being at the bottom of his class in POST and concerned about graduating to being in the top 3 and is now excited to be a State Trooper.
Here's an example of 2 out of the 140+ diagnostic points I check...
The first is an opportunity for Zack to cut almost half a second off of his drawstroke:
We address this both with technique AND with vision drills.
The second is an example of the dreaded "Ebola Support Hand."
You see, the more you change direction during your drawstroke, the more likely it is that technique will fall apart as you add speed or stress. The more efficient and consistent your technique, the better you'll perform at speed and under stress.
Now these 2 problems are incredibly common and there's an 80% chance that you can take these lessons and apply them immediately...but imagine how much more value you'll get from the entire 140 point diagnostic checklist.
Think 140 points sounds like a lot? It is, but when we get done, you'll have 10-20 high leverage changes you can make that are guaranteed to give you faster, more accurate hits on target...regardless of the situation or stress level.
With a traditional live training session, an instructor can only give you 1-2 things to work on each time you meet, or you'll forget everything.
Since I'm giving you video that you can go back to anytime you want, your video coaching session will pack in way more value than what's possible with live training.
I’ll send you out a package of training tools, including one of our collectable challenge chips!
There’s no other way to get these high demand chips at this time. The challenge chip will not only help remind you to do a few minutes of dry fire drills every day, it will remind you of alternative "dry fire" drills that you can do in your car, at work, or on a plane without a gun or anything that looks like a gun. (One of the drills actually uses the chip!)
In addition, I'll send you out other training tools as well, depending on the specific issues that I identify in your video.
What do other shooters say about
Private Coaching With Ox?
“I take my training very seriously. I’ve attended over 60 courses to date at numerous traditional live fire schools. The private coaching with Ox was the catalyst that got me over my current plateau and would have helped me tremendously during all the previous plateaus.
This training by far represents the best cost benefit ratio of any of my previous trainings.
Going “upstream” to find the solutions to issues is a unique approach which you can expect to see more of in the future with respect to not just firearms training, but many other applications. This is a cutting edge approach, very well done!”
- Bert P.
"The feedback was great and I'm taking everything slow and trying to ensure that I focus on the fundamentals and get them as perfect as I can. I'm really grateful for the feedback and am trying to maximize the work you put into it."
- Tony
"Thank you again for your help. I sincerely appreciate the detailed look and time it took for you to figure me out.
Your suggestions are incredibly insightful and your inputs have provided me with training improvements way beyond a sophomoric level.
You've given me significant advanced skills to work on which will really help hone my skills.
I'm amazed how effective the **REDACTED** technique you recommend is to improve/reset the **REDACTED**. After trying it multiple times, it has always worked for me."
- Doug
"Unbelievable training! I knew that I had room for improvement, but the feedback and instruction was amazing. I was given a few changes to make on my form but the most drastic improvement came when Ox was able to identify a visual issue I was having with my sights. After practicing the simple drill he recommended for 3 minutes, my accuracy improved immediately!"
- Burton
"I've been eagerly reading and rereading the info you sent and am quite pleased with the feedback. I am also looking forward to receiving the shipment."
- Randy
Simple. Easy. Effective.
Since the video reviews are time intensive, I can only offer this training to 10-20 shooters at one time. Last time I offered it, it oversold in less than 48 hours.
So if you’re serious about owning a firearm to potentially stop a serious threat to you or someone you love, you need to take action on this immediately.
How much does it cost?
Like I said, shooters have flown in from across the country and paid $1,997 apiece to train with me for 2 days.
And because of the unique value of my training, I've been paid $2,000 plus expenses for a single one hour presentation.
But, for the next 20 shooters who take fast action and pull the trigger, it’s only $297!
It's not cheap, but what serious shooter wants to stake their life on "cheap?" I bet that you're like me and focus more on getting the most value rather than focusing on "cheap."
And this training will help you squeeze the most value out of your training dollar and precious time.
In fact, I can almost guarantee that it's less than what you’d spend on ammo, travel, and fees if you took a traditional training class or got a traditional private lesson from a local instructor, and it’s definitely less than what a private in-person lesson would cost with me.
The difference is, with live training, it's common to forget 80% of what you were taught...and lose 80% of the value of the class...within a couple of weeks.
With this training, you'll have your video analysis and supplemental videos, written materials, and drills to refer back to any time you want. That means that you'll retain 100% of the value over time.
With live training, a good instructor will only be able to give you 1-2 things to work on per session. Any more than that, and the lessons won't make it into long term memory.
With this training, we'll be able to cover several low hanging opportunities for improvement without overwhelming you. You simply take the analysis and drills and start working through them. We'll cover more ground than what's practical with a traditional private lesson and the custom video analysis, written materials and follow along drills means that you can implement the changes, one or two at a time, whenever it works best for you. It's like getting the benefit of 3-5 private lessons without the time commitment or expense!
With this training, you'll learn how to quickly and easily analyze your own technique moving forward, exactly what to look for, and know how to fix the problems you spot. It's the ultimate in long term empowerment for the serious shooter.
There's no guarantee that I'll have any slots left if you don't take action now, so if the Add To Cart button is still visible below, click on it right now to lock in your spot.
And yes, it's guaranteed...
This training is not for everyone.
To start with, it’s only for people who can legally own a handgun and intend to use them for legal purposes.
Next, it’s only for people who can already handle a handgun safely and comfortably.
It’s not for shooting bullseye, long range precision pistol shooting, or trick shooting. It’s for getting way better at putting fast, accurate rounds on target as quickly and inexpensively as possible.
Finally, you need to be able to take video of yourself, or have someone else help you, and upload it to the site I give you…it’s as easy as uploading video to YouTube or Facebook. I apologize, but I can’t help with this.
Who IS it for?
This training is for shooters with military, law enforcement, or civilian backgrounds who want to make big leaps in shooting performance in a very short period of time for an incredibly affordable price.
It’s for any shooter who attends firearms classes and schools and values high quality, high impact instruction.
It’s for any shooter who wants to take advanced training, but the thought of spending hundreds on a class, hundreds on ammo, and hundreds more on travel, lodging, and time off work makes it impossible.
It’s for any shooter who’s trained with the best trainers and is searching for something different…a more effective approach, to take them to the next level.
It's for any shooter who already has live training scheduled for the summer and wants to be at the top of their game before they go.
And it’s for any shooter who owns a firearm to protect themselves or someone they love from a violent attack.
If that’s you, I want to encourage you to take immediate action right now, while spots are still available, by clicking HERE.
- Ox
P.S. The last time I offered this training to my list, it oversold within 48 hours. And the results from everyone who's been through it have been INCREDIBLE. I’m offering the training today at $297 to a very limited number of shooters. When the slots are full, I’ll be raising the price again...probably to $397 or $497. So if you want to take advantage of the discounted pricing, and the Add To Cart button is still visible below, lock in your spot by clicking it now.
Firearms are designed to project force at a distance and are designed to break and destroy what they're pointed at. By visiting this site, you hereby agree not to aim a firearm at anything you aren't willing to destroy...regardless of whether or not you think it's loaded. You also agree to take responsibility for your actions and hold this site, the author, and anyone associated with the site or the author harmless for the use or misuse of the information that you find through the course of visiting this site.
Copyright © UrbSurv LLC 2020