FREE PopUp Targets (And Drills)!
Smarter Dry Fire Targets For
Faster, Tighter Groups In Less Time...
Check out this quick video highlighting how fun and powerful PopUp Targets will be for you.
I think you'll have as much fun watching it as I had recording it :)

What Are PopUp Targets?
It's NOT just another set of boring print-at-home targets.
It's NOT like anything you can find on YouTube, on blogs, or in books.
It's NOT just another doodad -- The targets are free (just help with shipping) but the real value is the neurology based shooting drills that come with them that will improve shooting speed & accuracy, hand-eye coordination, foot-eye coordination, balance, striking, visual decision making, and more!
PopUp Targets are FUN!
Let's face it...most dry fire sucks. And even if you do a lot of it, most drills don't carry over to live fire performance.
And dry fire targets?
They're even worse!
Paper targets are bulky and expensive to ship, they rip easy, and they’re a pain to store when you’re not using them.
Even when you are using them, they’re b o r i n g. Because they’re designed for shooting…not dry fire training.
Worse than that, using the same old target...seeing the same exact size and shape targets and transitioning through the exact same distance...can create training scars. You end up training for the target instead of building resilient skill.
Laser targets are on the other extreme. They're a lot of fun, but they’re expensive.
PopUp Targets fixes that...(and might save your life in the process)
PopUp Targets, and the drills that you'll get with them, are specifically designed to make training fun AND effective by using cutting edge brain science, regardless of whether you're using a laser pistol or doing normal dry fire (no ammo) training with your real pistol.
PopUp targets make it ridiculously simple & fun to train to engage multiple targets at odd angles, as well as powerful hand-eye and foot-eye coordination drills that you won't find in any old-school training.
Most shooters don't realize it but improving hand-eye coordination leads to lightning-fast first hits and foot-eye coordination is key to fast, accurate shooting on the move. You'll see and feel the power of these drills almost immediately...
...And your friends will see the
effectiveness of the drills
the next time you go to the range!
Because of how they're made, PopUp targets are much more durable than paper or mini-cardboard targets and they don't take batteries or stop working like laser targets.
You now have access to the very drills used by tip-of-the-spear shooters from coast to coast and around the world and that people pay $27 for...and all you need to do is pick up shipping & handling.
$27.00 HERE Or Get Them
FREE (just help with shipping)

Who's the Instructor?

Mike (Ox) is an NRA, Rangemaster, and UTM Level 2 Mil/LE instructor who is certified as a Force Science Institute Analyst for human performance factors in lethal force encounters and a Post-Concussion Rehab Trainer by Z-Health Education.
He is the creator of Dry Fire Training Cards, 21 Day Alpha Shooter, and several other courses. His brain based firearms training currently helps thousands of shooters each year get better results in less time for less money.
While he is a Master level IDPA shooter and currently holds the 5th fastest time in the world in the IDPA classifier with a subcompact BUG gun (20.8 seconds), he primarily uses IDPA, USPSA, and 3-gun as a stress inoculation tool. His passion is training for self-defense shooting situations.
As a result of the unique effectiveness of the training, 60% of the clients we serve are current or former military/law enforcement with an emphasis on special operations personnel. His training has been featured in numerous TV shows, podcasts, and magazines including USCCA, SOFREP, Loadout Room, Glenn Beck, National Tactical Officer's Association's 'Tactical Edge', Tactical Journal, Readyman, and more.
How Do I Use Them?
PopUp Targets are made to be used with at-home dry fire a way to make dry fire more fun and more effective.
Dry fire is the manipulation of a firearm with no ammunition present or training with an inert platform that's similar to your real firearm.
You can use them with your real pistol after you've removed all ammo from the area and chosen a safe backstop, or you can use them with a laser training pistol, unloaded airsoft pistol, or even a toy version of your real pistol. We'll share details on these options and more.
When you order, you'll get online access to drills and video instruction that will activate the parts of the brain responsible for aiming quicker and more accurately, balance, faster draw stroke, and more--these drills are beyond anything else you've seen or done before.
Hurry, This FREE Offer Won't Last Long!
"These (Ox's Training) have made me a more accurate shooter and certainly have made me more prepared for a violent self-defense situation"
Tim Schmidt USCCA (US Concealed Carry Association)
“Once again, this proves why you are the 'Mad Scientist' of gun training.”
Jeff Anderson Warrior Life
"I originally got your training for my wife, but when I saw it, I started using it and am now shooting better with a pistol now than ever before."
"Doc" Recently Retired 1st Special Forces Group (Delta)
When You Get Your PopUp Targets, Here Are A Few Of The Secrets That You'll Be Given For FREE...
- A "touch" drill for learning how to have your sights come into automatic alignment between your dominant eye and the target...every time you draw.
- A unique drill that helps with quickly and accurately engaging targets off to your side...regardless of whether it's with a firearm, defensive tool, or empty hands.
- Drills to improve Foot-Eye coordination, balance, and trip/fall avoidance. (This is HUGE because falling is the #2 cause of accidental death in the world)
- Drills for improving "Mozambique" or failure drills, transitions, and getting fast first shots on target at odd angles.
- How to use free & 99c phone apps and PopUp Targets for visually based target discernment drills
Top Frequently Asked Questions And Answers
Will Dry Fire Hurt My Gun?
Dry fire is the manipulation of a firearm with no live ammo present. You can do it with your carry gun, a blue gun, an airsoft gun, or other inert training tools that we’ll cover.
You can do dry fire drawstrokes all day long and you don’t have to press the trigger a single time.
You can practice transitions between targets, acquiring your sights, and other visual drills without ever having to press the trigger.
You can practice reloads and malfunction drills (tap, rack, assess) without ever having to press the trigger.
But let’s move on to what you were thinking of…dry fire drills where you press the trigger and the hammer or striker moves forward.
MANY modern defensive pistols specifically say in the manual that you can dry fire them without a snap cap. Others don’t say, but when you call the 1-800 number on the front cover, they’ll tell you whether it’s fine and whether or not it’s fine for high volume dry fire or just low volume dry fire.
Here’s a general rule. If you use a snap cap that has a surface for the firing pin to strike, you can dry fire ANY firearm regardless of whether it’s hammer fired, striker fired, center fire, or rimfire.
There are some rimfires that specifically say in the manual that you can dry fire them. That’s rare. But ALL can be dry fired with a snap cap inserted or spent brass. The snap caps won’t last real long, but you can do it. Generally, .22s aren’t the guns that you’d dry fire for self defense practice.
Almost all centerfire pistols that use a hammer need a snap cap to do high volume dry fire training. Some will say it’s OK, but that’s rare. Using a snap cap with a surface for the firing pin to hit will do less wear and tear on your pistol than doing live fire.
Most striker fired pistols will say in the manual that it’s OK to dry fire them without a snap cap. Even so, I recommend using a snap cap with a surface for the firing pin to hit.
Will the drills work for revolvers?
The terminology used in the Pop-Up Target Drills are directed towards semi-automatic firearms shooters because that is what most people carry for self-defense purposes. Again, since the program is fundamental and not dogmatic, they will work for revolvers as well as they work for semi-automatics. As a note, I am very pro-revolver and frequently carry a J-Frame.
Are you going to try to change my technique?
No. The training will not replace current techniques that you have. They are not dogmatic and if you’d compare them to a country, they’d most resemble Switzerland–everyone gets along with Switzerland.
The purpose of PopUp Targets and the included drills isn’t to teach technique, it’s to help you take the best technique that you already know and help you do training in a way that is more fun and more effective.
I'm a complete Newbie / I'm a career snake eater...will PopUp Targets help me?
PopUp Targets will help any shooter who wants to improve their speed, accuracy, and precision. One problem with traditional dry fire training is that if you do the same dry fire training all the time, the mind learns to filter it out and the neural pathways don’t translate over to live fire.
The variety of exercises you’ll get and the multifaceted approach means that your mind will get enough variety to be stimulated and for growth to keep happening.
PopUp Targets are designed to work best after a shooter has received SOME instruction from a qualified instructor…preferably an NRA, law enforcement, or military instructor with proper emphasis on safety and correct form.
This means that if you’ve trained at high end national schools like Gunsite, Insight, Suarez, Sig, Blackwater/Xe/Academi, Costa Ludas, Thunder Ranch, MAG, DTI, Rangemaster, or any of the thousands of elite local trainers across the country, these cards will help drive home the lessons you paid to learn. Put another way, they’ll convert the techniques that you paid to learn and know in your head into skills that you can actually depend on under stress.
Is Dry Fire Safe?
In this day and age, nothing is safe. If you try to eat The PopUp Targets, you could choke, get indigestion, or some other crazy problem. You could get a paper cut from the wrapping. You could get carpel tunnel syndrome getting to an email with your training. If you roll a target up, you could probably shove it in your ear and do some pretty good damage. I’m not joking with these examples—simply highlighting how warped our society has become in regards to “safety” and blame. In short, they’re not safe and if that’s a concern, you probably shouldn’t buy them.
Using PopUp Targets are another matter. By definition, dry fire training is responsible training with a weapon platform without any ammunition present or training, an inert weapon platform, or with a simulated weapon platform. You can still get hurt if you fall on it, trip and fall while doing a drill, etc.
But, if you have a negligent discharge during your training, then you weren’t doing dry fire. Dry fire is responsible training with a weapon platform without any ammunition present, an inert weapon platform, or training with a simulated weapon platform. If a live round of ammunition gets introduced into the mix, it is not dry fire and it is not an accident—it’s negligence and it’s your responsibility to keep it from happening.
Along with PopUp Targets, I’ll share a handful of quick resources with you for safer dry fire training, but it’s important to remember that the purpose of a firearm is to project massive kinetic force and penetrate objects at a distance and anything you do with a firearm includes a significant amount of risk.

Firearms are designed to project force at a distance and are designed to break and destroy what they're pointed at. By visiting this site, you hereby agree not to aim a firearm at anything you aren't willing to destroy...regardless of whether or not you think it's loaded. You also agree to take responsibility for your actions and hold this site, the author, and anyone associated with the site or the author harmless for the use or misuse of the information that you find through the course of visiting this site.
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